I've whined enough about living in "shopping hell."
Well I found a skin care line I love AND is sold in my po-dunk town.
"Dermalogica" -- ever heard of it?
If you try it, when sticker shock hits, most products last at least 6 months if not longer. So for me, it's not any expensive than what I was paying for another brand in the long run.
I woke up today and glanced at my face -- I looked like I had had a recent facial. I have used this stuff for a week and only bought three products. I have combination skin but in this climate I get a bit dry which is when I tend to break out.
My skin is soft NOT greasy and glowing.
I was like "WHO is this person!!!"
Well I found a skin care line I love AND is sold in my po-dunk town.
"Dermalogica" -- ever heard of it?
If you try it, when sticker shock hits, most products last at least 6 months if not longer. So for me, it's not any expensive than what I was paying for another brand in the long run.
I woke up today and glanced at my face -- I looked like I had had a recent facial. I have used this stuff for a week and only bought three products. I have combination skin but in this climate I get a bit dry which is when I tend to break out.
My skin is soft NOT greasy and glowing.
