Hypothetically, if I had the following items to give away, and you had to choose one of them to use, which would you choose? You cannot sell the item or give it away. It must be used for yourself personally. In the case of the TV or dinner, that can be shared (TV in your home), but it must be used by you as well.
Cuisinart Stand Mixer and a Wusthof Classic Santoku and Chef's knife

Christian Louboutin pumps in your size

Dining gift certifcate (dinner for two) for Per Se or a similarly chic and expensive restaurant in your neck of the woods if you prefer not to have to travel to NYC.
One first-class plane ticket to any destination in the Continental U.S. (if you are a U.S. citizen). No Black out dates.
Spa gift certificate for the works - Hair, facial, massage, mani, pedi, etc.
52" LCD TV.

Vote, and then tell us why. No cop-outs on this is what I would really want...
Cuisinart Stand Mixer and a Wusthof Classic Santoku and Chef's knife
Christian Louboutin pumps in your size
Dining gift certifcate (dinner for two) for Per Se or a similarly chic and expensive restaurant in your neck of the woods if you prefer not to have to travel to NYC.
One first-class plane ticket to any destination in the Continental U.S. (if you are a U.S. citizen). No Black out dates.
Spa gift certificate for the works - Hair, facial, massage, mani, pedi, etc.
52" LCD TV.

Vote, and then tell us why. No cop-outs on this is what I would really want...