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Rate My Crib!

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  • Rate My Crib!

    Sorry, no MTV-style rooms - that comes with attendinghood, right?

    I figure it's time to get my ever-expanding tushie in gear and pick out some furniture for the new little guy or girl. We really like the honey oak look, and I'm a little freaked out by what I've read about drop-down sides on cribs. I would like one that converts at least into a toddler bed so we hopefully don't need to buy another bed for Baby until after residency. So after some poking around, I think I like this one: Da Vinci Kalani Convertible Crib - Honey Oak. Thoughts? I need some BTDT advice...

    Also, for a changing table and/or dresser, which of these would you recommend? Da Vinci Kalani 3-Drawer Changer or Da Vinci Kalani Dresser/Changer Combo. I'm thinking if I go with the combo, it would look nice when I didn't need the changing table anymore, but I'm not sure how that works. Do you put something on top of it to keep the baby from rolling off? (Yeah, I'm clueless...) And if I go with the combo for a changing table, would it get so gross that I wouldn't want to use it afterwards?

    Crib with Changing Table:

    Combo Dresser/Changer:
    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

  • #2
    We have the dresser combo and all the space definitely gets used. One tip: Use the first drawer to store all your diapers! Also the changing table should stay clean. You just put a changing table foam pad on top of it for the baby. It is curved on the edges and has a belt for the baby for safety. As for the bed, we have one very similar to yours. I never felt a need to have a crib that had a side that dropped down. We also converted it to a toddler bed and it works well for my almost three-year-old.
    Last edited by Chrisada; 10-17-2009, 01:06 PM.


    • #3
      We have that exact crib and changer/dresser combo! Actually we have two dressers because the first one was shipped broken. It's not so badly broken that it is unusable, but it's bad enough that I stuck it in the closet and now it's in a corner so that Daegan and Kai can't mess with it.

      My biggest gripe about them is that the wood is really poor quality. It dents with pressure - Russ gripped the side of the crib to stand up, and had the screwdriver in his hand, and there is an imprint of the screwdriver in the railing! Various other things have made marks in the wood, my rings, my nails from accidently scratching it, toys. We bought it with the intent that it could be used after kids for a guest room....I don't think it's holding up well enough for that. But it's fine for the boys.

      For the top, we have a changing pad with the curved came with a strap and I didn't have the strap secured at first and really scratched the mess out of the top with the strap rubbing on the cheap wood finish. After I secured the straps it doesn't move (which is better for the baby anyway). Honestly, after the first few months I don't use the changing table to change the kids anymore. I swore I would to keep all the diaper crap in one place and all, but I don't. And there are diapers all over the house.

      I have both dressers completely full of clothes. That is for both boys though. But when it was just Daegan, I still filled 'em both up. Now I have spare clothes in tupperware storage bins.

      Ours is the honey oak too. I'll try to post a pic of the indents.
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4

        the first shows the imprint left by the can also see how the straps of the Fisher Price aquarium lights/sounds/movement thing scrapes the finish

        the second shows random scratches on the crib

        the third shows scratches on the front of the dresser combo

        I don't remember exactly how the scratches got there, but it wasn't from brutality.

        All that said, I like the set. The drawers are really easy to remove and put back in - or switch around without having to empty clothes - they are interchangeable. And the crib converts easily. The included hex wrench works well, and there are only 2 screws that are a little hard to reach. I've converted it to toddler bed and various heights of crib mattress and back again. I even had it 3 sided for a while and pushed up next to our bed side-car style like a big co-sleeper.
        Attached Files
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          Aww, that's disappointing... These things are for babies - they need to stand up to a lot! So, would you buy it again? Any recommendations on sturdier brands in that price range?
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • #6
            I would probably buy it again, unless I got a recommendation for a better one. It's unrealistic to buy something for a child and expect it to last 20 years, ya know. At least that's rapidly becoming my opinion.
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #7
              If you are planning on having more kids in the near future, I would reconsider a convertible crib. If I recall, they are more expensive than a regular crib. (I could be wrong since it's been over 5 years since we purchased a crib.) By the time your baby is ready for a regular bed, I would just buy a new bed rather than convert the crib. You can reuse the crib for your next baby. If, however, you plan on having only one child or spacing your kids far apart, a convertible might be worth it.

              The way I see it is (if you have another child in a couple of years) you will either buy a new crib or a new bed. We opted for a new bed and to reuse the crib because we could buy a bed that will grow with our child. I think the convertibles are more like toddler beds. Is that right? The crib we purchased five years ago was used for both of our kids and will be used for our third and last child before it retires. It's just something to consider.
              Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


              • #8
                As for a changing table, we didn't buy a one. We just purchased one of those $15 changing pads from Babies R' Us along with two covers for it and attached it to the dresser we purchased with the crib. It has worked great for us.
                Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                • #9
                  It's interesting seeing how different everyone is! I use my changing table every single day. When I am upstairs, I change baby on it. I also dress him on it. I plan on just using the top for books or something when they finally do outgrow it, which will be a few years. I also until very recently used it to dress my older DS. The toddler bed is too low for me to change and dress the boys on. And when I'm downstairs, I just change him on the sofa.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JaneDoe View Post

                    The way I see it is (if you have another child in a couple of years) you will either buy a new crib or a new bed. We opted for a new bed and to reuse the crib because we could buy a bed that will grow with our child. I think the convertibles are more like toddler beds. Is that right? The crib we purchased five years ago was used for both of our kids and will be used for our third and last child before it retires. It's just something to consider.
                    Yup, they are like toddler beds. Then they have an attachment to make them full size.


                    • #11
                      We got our dresser, changing table/dresser and crib all at Wal-Mart and have been extremely happy with them. And I'm also in the "use my changing table daily" camp.



                      It doesn't look like they have our crib anymore though.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        We used JaneDoe's line of thinking with the crib, assumed that we would have more than one child ... so we went with a drop-side crib rather than one that converts into a toddler bed. It's worked out very well for us, DS#1 moved into his big-boy bed when DS#2 moved into the crib. I can't remember exactly what brand it was ... Jardine? ... something like that. We got it at Babies R Us, it's held up very well.

                        And we have the changing table/dresser combo, which I prefer to the stand-alone changing table. With DS#1 I used it all the time to change/dress him, but with DS#2 I end up just putting the changing pad on the floor (and having to throw my leg over him just to keep him from flailing/wiggling away/getting sh!t all over his fingers while he tries to grab his ... uh, junk). But if you alreay have a dresser, you could just put a changing pad on top and use it that way.

                        -Wife of urology attending.
                        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                        • #13
                          I would skip the changing table, chances are it'll just turn into a stuff holder. You'll probably just change baby wherever you are in the house instead of running upstairs to do it. Plus they outgrow those styles of changing tables really quickly. A regular dresser or chest of drawers will last longer because it won't be all "oh hey, baby furniture" when the kid is older.
                          Yes, these style of changing tables do not mesh well with older kid furniture. Please just buy a low dresser and then they can take it off to college.

                          FWIW, we don't even have a changing table for baby no. 3. It is a mat on the floor for this little guy. Our changing table (and rocker) didn't last through ten years and four moves. I can honestly say that we don't even miss them.

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            We're planning on getting a crib with a dropdown side because I've tried the regular ones in a store and I can't reach inside unless the crib is super low and then it's uncomfortable for DH. I also want to get just a regular dresser and a contour pad on top.

                            One of my friends recommends I get something along these lines,
                            and use it on at home as well as for traveling.


                            • #15
                              I have a crib that my father made for DS and I purchased a changing table/dresser combo. I love the dresser. Ours is made of cherry and I paid quite a bit for it, but it has stood up to 4 state to state moves over the last 6 years (WI to NY, NY to WI, WI to IA, IA to WI). I have the contour changing pad on it. I have all of DD's diapers in the tall door section and all of the changing stuff (wipes, ointment, thermometers, pins, tylenol, combs, brushes, etc) is the small drawer and the other 3 big drawers are loaded with the rest of her stuff.

                              Our crib is not convertable. I don't see the wisdom in that if you are having multiple kids. We borrowed a toddler bed for DS when he was little and then moved him to a twin bed before he was 2 (his choice - he refused to sleep in the crib). We had it against one wall and had the rails that fold down on the outside.

                              Oh - DS used the baby dresser until I found out I was pregnant again. It was great. At 6 he could see in all of the drawers and I wasn't worried that he would pull them out or tip it over. They open and close easily, so no pinched little fingers or frusterated little one.

