Ok, so I'm a little backward when it comes to technology. If I could get away with it, I'd probably write this note with a quill by candlelight. I hate spending lots of money on new technology only to have it become obsolete immediately and I'm particuarlly wary of any gadget that will become an on-going expense. That said, I'm thinking about getting an iPhone because I think it may give me more flexibility to get out of my cave-like home office more often without feeling guilty about running an errand or having lunch if I cannot respond to e-mails. Since I telecommute, I'd say that about 90% of my communication with my clients and collegues is via e-mail. Some days, DrK is the only adult that I speak to in person. (Not healthy! I really do need to get out more.) So, tell me. Is the iPhone all that it's cracked up to be? Is it worth the cost of the phone and service plan? Is this something that will measurably improve my life? Or will I find myself teathered to another devise that will drain my pocketbook?
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I know people love their iPhones, but our experience has not been positive. DH was enamored with his at first, but 18 months later we are considering paying the fee to break the contract because he is so unhappy with it. After about 6 months, the battery life and processing speed went down the tubes. Shortly after the one year warranty period he destroyed it (which was totally our fault) and we had to replace it with a refurbished model. That one has been even worse. It freezes up, blacks out... basically has a mind of its own.
The biggest issue is that reception in our area is awful. Lots of dropped calls. I have heard AT&T is especially bad in NC so it may not be as big a problem elsewhere, but I'd definitely ask around locally about the quality of service. DH basically cannot use his iPhone as a phone. We've considered getting him a separate cell phone, but I can't justify that on top of the monthly iPhone service fee.
(Sorry for the rant. I've been very frustrated that this toy "required" by the med school has been such a money suck.)
I have an ancient blackberry, and for straight up emailing, I think it is much easier to use. That's all I do though... no apps, internet browsing or anything. My work pays for it, so I don't know how the cost compares for service, but in 3-4 or so years, I've never had a maintenance problem with it. It's not the newest, sexiest device-- I've had opposing counsel mock it in depositions!-- but it works.
DH has an iphone and I desperately want one...but that isn't in the budget right now. I have a blackberry for work and hate it--it isn't NEARLY as intuitive as the iPhone. I can do anything on his phone, but it took me forever to get the blackberry to stop ringing when it was in silent mode! Forget doing anything else. When I browse the internet, any site that is content heavy just wont load--never a problem with the iPhone. They are probably going to be comparable in price...I'd get the iPhone.
If it tells you anything, everyone here who has a free work blackberry stills pays the extra $$ to carry around an iPhone too.Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
In less than a year, you & BabyK can come to the zoo with us! And after we're done corralling all four of my kids, you can be happy to get back to your cave!
In general, I view all handheld devices as temporary. Mine have all crashed at some point. DH curses at his blackberry, but it does the job. We don't have an iPhone, but I have an iPod touch right now. It's great for browsing on the go, but I don't put anything on it that I care about losing.
Still, I think I'd get something that allows you to get out... realizing that you may have to replace it sooner or later.
The iPhone is an awesome device, but a pretty crappy phone. As for the ease/intuitiveness -- I'd go w/an iPhone over a droid (DH has an iPhone, I've got a Droid). I hate AT&T with a passion so wasn't willing to go that route when replacing my phone, but if all the stories come true and Verizon gets an iPhone, I'll be making the switch.
The IPhone has been fun but I dearly miss my BBerry - the BBerry was way more reliable and it you are mostly interested in your contacts, calls and emails it is the way to go. I see the Iphone as fun techie and the BBerry as work techie. For example, I took said BBerry to Ireland - it worked in the middle of nowhere (as in there were only sheep around)...I was getting my emails. Then, I was in Argentina - again, not in the city but at a vineyard and lo and behold emails were popping up. THEN, I switch to the IPhone, did my international data and phone while in Italy (Florence and Milan - 2 big cities) and nothing, nada, zilch!!! I could only get emails if I could get WiFi - which is not as accessible (i.e. free) as it is in the U.S. No, there was no 3G either.
So, you may not be traveling abroad you say. Well, here is another reason why I don't like the Iphone for work. If I get an email, call, voice mail or text, the only way that I know that it is there is if I go check the Iphone. On the blackberry, the thing would flash a light that (annoying in the dark) you can't miss frm across the room. Also, I could hear the alerts from another room whereas the IPhone is sooo quiet.
OK - off that soapbox.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
Had an iPhone - switched to a BBerry because AT&T is crap in Chicago, just got our iPhone 4sMy opinion is that both do the job, but which ever you have first is usually the one you are more comfortable with. That being said - if you are just looking to check email - I would look at both...but if you want the capability to surf the web, use various apps, or download a video or something to entertain J - then I'd go iPhone
I will say this. I am also horrible with technology and have always had a simple flip phone. Somehow, two days ago, DH talked me into getting an iphone 4 along with him. The phone is amazing. Mainly because it is so simple to use. You do not have to know technology to navigate the phone, which I love. The apps and facetime are pretty sweet too. The boys loved seeing daddy on my phone while he was at the hospital yesterday. The first day, I left it in the box because I was afraid of it. A day later, I cannot put it down. We have not had any issues with reception so far.
BTW - when I compare the BBerry with the IPhone I had the same plan through ATT. So, it was not ATT - it is the device. Also, even though I googled stuff, mapped, etc. on the BBerry all the time I always stayed below the lowest data plan. With the IPhone you will need an unlimited data plan because of all the apps.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!