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Accessory help please

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  • Accessory help please

    How would you accessorize a dress like this for a summer work function for dh? It's a BBQ, but I want to be on the dressier side.

    What color shoes? Style of bracelet, etc. What about the style sweater/wrap to wear over it?

    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    In the PNW, so a dress like this would probably fall under the dressier category and not casual like in other parts of the US.
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      I would definitely do wedges to give yourself more height and they're a lot easier to navigate on the grass than heels. As for jewelry either a necklace or bracelets, depending on which you find easier to wear around your DD. Is she coming? If not, then you don't need to worry about it. Want me to look for actual items around the web?


      • #4
        I think bracelets, because the neckline is pretty high, and long necklaces would be good for yanking (with dd around--not sure if she'll come).

        A sweater would be great. Like if you could me examples for colors and styles. . Where should one even fall? Above hips? Below?
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          And the dressier the better, although it might be overkill with the dress' pattern.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            I had this whole detailed post and then pressed the wrong button. Will try again tomorrow on a clearer head. When is the party?

            Summary version:
            Shrug vs sweater in a solid color no darker than navy, in either cotton or a cotton blend
            Wedge should have a back, so you don't step on the hem and either in neutral or a complimentary color to the shrug
            One big bright cuff bracelet will be a perfect statement piece (Nordstrom has some cute ones on sale for under $20)


            • #7
              Oh wow! You are amazing at this! Up until the submit button part. . I really appreciate it. I'd love to see the ideas you have. What do you think about these wedges?


              Too clunky? Too boring?
              If so, what color shrug could I do with them?
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                I'm with Vishenka -- I would go for a short-sleeve or 3/4 sleeve cardigan that sits fairly short in either white or a mid-range complimentary color, like coral. Definitely no darks. And that's just if you feel you need a sweater. Big cuff bracelet in either silver/white (if you go with a bright sweater) or a bright color like coral (if you go with white). No necklace, smallish silver/white tone earrings. Then a white or natural colored sandal or espadrille depending on your height/the length of the dress on you. I think you're on the right track with the shoes, I was thinking something like this.
                Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                • #9
                  Love the dress by the way! I think it's perfect for a slightly dressy BBQ look. Here's a sweater example (the white). And another, although it's really hard to say how these will sit with the dress.
                  Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                  • #10
                    Thanks! I'm starting to see the direction you're going in. I saw those earrings you pointed out on Loft and think they're cute. I never wear them, because I'm afraid that dd will pull at them. But I think they're great.

                    I do like that coral orangey color.

                    The shoes are cute but oh so high. I don't think I can do more than 2".
                    Last edited by alison; 05-22-2012, 10:18 AM.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #12
                      Just FYI: I own the Indigo wedges and lurve them. Ever Indigo brand shoe I've owned has been ridiculously comfortable and these are no exception.


                      • #13
                        Ahhhhhhj, these are great suggestions! I do like the first shrug a lot. Do you think I should do white or what do you think about the other option (beige)? White scares me now that I have a child... Will I look like Miss Piggy with the strappy shoe choices? Or because they're neutral will I still be ok...?

                        Thank you thank you thank you!
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #14
                          I would definitely do white. As for the wedges, try to find a pair to most closely matches your skin tone. Then they'll just blend in and give you some height without standing out too much.


                          • #15
                            Thank you!

                            What do you think about this dress for a summer wedding? It'll be an afternoon church ceremony and then an evening reception outside. I think it's really cute, but way out of my comfort zone. I'm pretty much ok with being adventurous, but would prefer not to look like a clown.

                            married to an anesthesia attending

