TJ Maxx and Home Goods if you have some nearby. Also Overstock is a good suggestion. Never hurts check Amazon or ebay either.
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I got my dishes at Crate & Barrel about 10 years ago. I really liked them at the time and they have held up well. However, they are big and heavy and with all the moves we've had, I often find myself longing for a set of corelle dishes from Target. I also wish I had a smaller set. I have service for 12 and I've never used half of it. Some is still in the original packaging.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Love my Fiestaware. I was tired of dishes chipping and replacing sets after a few years. I have one of every color of fiestaware. I figure if something chips and it is discontinued, I can get another color. I have also thought about getting just plain white IKEA too - the type that is always in stock. My big issue with Tuesday Morning, Tj Maxx, World Market, etc. is that once a piece breaks I may not be able to replace just one piece or a setting because the stuff is discontinued.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
Originally posted by MsSassyBaskets View PostRandom fyi -- did you know that orange fiestaware used to be made with uranium? Best not to thrift that color! Although I'm sure there's some way of reading the imprint to see how old it is...
Another Fiestaware lover here. I had a set of dishes from BBB, 12 years old, combined with 4 kids, they started breaking. Anyway, I got two colors (yellow and a lime green). They have held up wonderfully given the abuse they sustain on a daily basis - still look brand new.Gas, and 4 kids
Originally posted by GreyhoundsRUs View PostThere are several colors with radiation or lead. Best not to thrift any Fiesta dishes without thorough researchOff to research …
Originally posted by Bittersweet View PostOh, yikes! I just got a set of old, mixed colored fiesta ware from my mom. They’ve been in my family for years and I grew up eating off of them. Maybe that explains a few thingsOff to research …
The information is pretty readily available. GL!
Originally posted by ides View PostMps- I'm working toward doing the mixed colors of fiestaware. I like hodge podge with continuity.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
Thanks for all the suggestions! Fiestaware isn't for me, since I have trouble committing to bright-colored things. I'll get a tank top in a bright color, but not a nice merino cardigan, if you know what I mean. The throw pillows but not the couch.All stark white isn't for me either though... I'm leaning toward these right now:
Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
Check out Ross-Simons, they have some quality dinnerware that you may like. It's a bit more than $80 but they carry patterns from companies like Wedgewood that have been heavily discounted.Tara
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.