Keep us posted. I want a new (to me) minivan so, so badly. My 14 year old SUV is on its last legs but DH is heavily opposed to getting anything new until it dies. Despite the fact that he cannot drive it with two carseats in it.
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Question for Minivan Owners
Originally posted by Thirteen View Postvery pricey on VW.
I have a T&C and have over 200,000 miles on it. It hasn't been perfect but I do love her.
Are you able to do an overnight test drive? Really get a feel for it, put car seats in and out, try to back it up into your garage or out - stuff like that. Those are the things that sold me.wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostAnd that's the beauty of's discontinued and the car is now used so the price is pretty good for the features!
This is just my two cents. I know you don't necessarily know me from Adam at this point, but this comes from YEARS of experience being a mechanic's daughter. I've fixed quite a number of cars with him in my day so I am not trying to blow smoke. Just be cautious... a deal today isn't necessarily a deal tomorrow is all.
Good luck! Keep us posted please!wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
My 14 year old SUV is on its last legs but DH is heavily opposed to getting anything new until it dies.
My advice is to stay away for this exact reason! Because it is a discontinued car dealerships want to get them off of their lot, so yes, you will get a great deal BUT the older the car gets the less likely your mechanic will be able to gain access to the parts you need to repair it. Which means $$$$$ for you. Now, I'm not saying this will happen instantly but if you plan on keeping this for 5 years or more, you might be SOL if you have a large problem (like an engine mount or transmission issue) because there just aren't parts to use. OR the mechanic could POSSIBLY go to a junk yard to get parts off a junked car. Depending on the part that is fine and not a big deal, but some parts I just don't trust from a junked car. Especially anything having to do with your safety.
Don't ask me how the hell he knows that, but if he is okay with it, I am. He is anti-Honda/Toyota/etc. because they are "foreign" cars and hard to work on in his
We did make it all the way over to Fort Worth to test drive it/look at it. I liked it a lot. It looks brand new and has all the features I really wanted but didn't think we could afford. My dad is hopefully going to be able to check it out for us mechanically Monday and we'll go from there.Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostHe is anti-Honda/Toyota/etc. because they are "foreign" cars and hard to work on in his
But anyway, I'm really glad you liked the car! I hope it works out for yinz!wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
Originally posted by DrBandMe View PostMy dad too!! He hates the foreign cars! He tells me his hands are too big to fit into those tiny crevices. He also says some other things but I'll go ahead and censor those.
But anyway, I'm really glad you liked the car! I hope it works out for yinz!
Originally posted by diggitydot View PostThey over-engineered the shit out of that engine compartment.
For example, fuel pumps are now often found inside of the gas tank. That makes changing them a huge PITA and also risky because of the fumes and junk.wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
Originally posted by DrBandMe View PostDad complains about that all the time: the engineers make these cars without regard to anyone actually repairing them. They don't give a thought to who's sticking their hands in there to make them run - they just want them to look pretty.
For example, fuel pumps are now often found inside of the gas tank. That makes changing them a huge PITA and also risky because of the fumes and junk.
Got my daddy to look at it...said it was solid and a good deal. It does need a little brake work and 2 tires need to be replaced now. Thinking of trying to negotiate that in--going to do it by email tomorrow. Wish me luck! Hopefully we will have a newish car tomorrow night.
For anyone interested, the Routan has a VW engine (not a Chrysler as I thought, but the same as another VW I can't remember right now), but a Chrysler transmission ad other parts. He didn't think maintenance would be an issue.Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
Great! Post a pic when u get it! I like VW. They aren't what they used to be but are still nice cars. When we had one we found the parts weren't hard to get and there are lots and lots who work on them. Just avoid the dealership- they charge massively.Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
Just gave them our final offer. Let's see what they say. We're willing to walk away. I prefer this email/phone negotiation thing. Much less pressure than being in a dealership
It does come with a nice warrantyThough the stuff we asked to be fixed (brakes/tires) as part of the deal wouldn't be covered. But have a covered car for 1.5-2 years. That would be wow.
Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.