Thanks for all of your help! Dinner was nice - I had forgotten that "alumns" also meant recent ones - like ones that I am friends with
I got a ton of complements on my hair - I guess I should put in more effort every now and again! I felt perfectly dressed in the black dress - but, holy fucksticks, my shoes. Ouch! I forget how heinously uncomfortable they are every time I wear them. I don't have one picture of myself - but there was a team of photographers milling about, so I maybe will be in some. The keynote speaker was horrible, IMHO. Pulitzer Prize winning author who read an essay she wrote about society and the dichotomy between "soft" and "hard" sciences. It was far too philosophical to be read aloud over 25 minutes - there were some "jokes" in there that she would chuckle at, but no one else (in a room of about 300) did. What it had to do with anything is beyond me. Oh, and we weren't given steak knives for our pork chops. We were all shaking the table trying to cut the hunks of meat with butter knives...
Wife of a PGY-4 Orthopod

Wife of a PGY-4 Orthopod