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Back in the swing

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  • Back in the swing

    I just returned from my grandma's funeral in Ohio. It was a highly emotional week to say the least. She was an extraordinary human being so the loss is enormous. She had made peace with the inevitable and was ready to go. She lived a full life and spent the last few years succumbing to the ravages of Parkinson's disease. It was hard to see her in so much pain. There is some peace knowing that she no longer suffers. Just as she would have wanted, m family came together to celebrate her life and legacy.

    Funerals have the effect of making people put aside differences and come together. This passage evoked conversations which needed to be had. Food magically appeared as the family gathered in my mother's home. (I should note that this is my paternal grandmother and my mother and father divorced a few years ago.) People shared kind words and memories to somehow help us get through this. My son played with his cousins. It was good to be home.

    I have returned to the daily swing of things, but I still think about her a lot. I know that details like piles of laundry and 44 voicemail messages will force me to move on with my life.

    I guess that the details just don't seem as important somehow.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2

    I've thought of you often over the last week....I am genuinely sorry for your loss. When my grandmother died I felt time shift...I never thought that day would arrive, and when it did, I realized that I had become a mother and that my mom was now grandma....

    It takes time to get back into the swing of things...I hope the healing begins really soon....



    • #3
      Thanks for your kind words. Your thoughts touch me.

      I am doing a little better day by day. Still I miss her so much. She was an important influence on my life. I hope that I may create a life that would make her proud.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4

        I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I am glad though that you were able to be with family and spend good quality time together. It does put things in perspective.

        My grandmother is 89 and I still can't imagine life without her being right beside me. She has lived with my parents since I was 7 and we are very close. I realize that she won't be with us for too much longer but ... it will still be a total shock when it happens. Grandmothers are wonderful!!!

        Hope you are doing ok!



        • #5
          Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. The most wonderful thing that she gave you was herself, and you will carry her spirit with you throughout your life. I lost my grandfather more than twenty years ago. We had a special bond, and I can still hear his laugh and see his smile when I think of him. And that vividness has never faded, which has surprised me! So I like to think I will carry my Grandpa with me always and that he is with me. And perhaps this is how you will feel about your grandmother too.


