I know this is jumping the gun but I am looking for idea's for New Years. My problem is that my DH's friends are all pretty much single and not the most mature. They are all going out downtown to a new bar for New Years and the women that will be there...well they are professional cheerleaders mostly... not really my kinda crowd. So I need to think of something fun to do that is NOT that. We don't have a big enough place to have people over, no kids either. Any idea's that are not too expensive, still fun and not in the bar scene? Thanks!
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New Year's Plans
We're planning on sitting in our hot tub watching the fireworks at the Tower of the Americas.
We're typically spend the night at home people- we used to have a party when we were here before because you could see the fireworks from our yard (not as well as the new yard though!). I say go to the grocery store, pick up some fancy cheeses, crackers, olives, etc., somegood Italian or French bread, some pate's, a bottle of good wine and a bottle of champagne and celebrate the fact that 1) you're not attempting to drive with the crazies 2) you can be in your jammies and 3) you've saved a buttload of money.
Re: New Year's Plans
Well I haven't been up till midnight on 12/31 in many years (esp. this year since it's DD's b-day party that afternoon), but this sounds like fun:
all going out downtown to a new bar for New Years and the women that will be there...well they are professional cheerleaders mostlyEnabler of DW and 5 kids
Let's go Mets!
We're doing a family thing early....and then going out "Cosmic Bowling" with adults until 1 AM. It's very cheeky here and fun. They blast lots of party music, do a laser show and serve decent bar food from the snack bar. Last year, we played couples against couples and guys against girls with the losers doing karaoke in the alley's bar.I bowled the best game of my life. :>
That's maybe to tame for you, but the alley is always packed for Cosmic.Angie
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
We're going to a party at a residents' house, should be fun, we didn't get to go last year.
Have you thought about looking into the downtown hotels? On Nicolette Mall? There are some nice hotels there that I'm sure are having New Year's Eve specials.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
We'll be going to a friend's place. Don't have time or money too leave town and the idea of spending $500 for mediocre food and cheap alcohol doesn't sit well with me. My favorite New Years have been in Mexico and renting a house with bunch of friends up north (NH, VT). Hopefully next year we'll be able to do something more exciting.
We are going to a friend's house with the dogs - SO's best friend and his fiance - and we cook a big dinner, read our new year's horoscopes, play party games, and drink wine. It's really really fun. They were thinking about trying to go out in DC this year and I said, "No way!" I don't have $50 to drop on a cover charge just get pushed up against other people's sweat... Ick.
Anyway, I'm excited!
Dh is working. My parents are coming up to give their Christmas gifts to the kids, and to keep me company. I'll probably watch a movie and play a game with them. Hopefully this year I won't be Ms. Fuddy Duddy and forget about New Year's.
It has been a long time since we went out on New Year's. Last year I was so sleep deprived from our new arrival, that New Year's Eve dh and I played a game, and at 1150 pm (not realizing the time) our neighbor's were setting off fireworks, and we were getting ready to go to bed knowing we would be up in about 2 hours. I then commented "Who the hell is making all that noise? Do they think people don't need to sleep." When I said that we both kind of went "Huh." Then turned the TV on to see the NY Times Square Ball dangling waiting to be dropped on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. Man did I feel like the biggest loser. We laugh about it now.
CrystalGas, and 4 kids