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Speaking of pets

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  • Speaking of pets

    So, we've decided to add to the chaos that is our home by getting Petey a doggie sister. Since our yard is so big we have the room and he's bored playing with the cats outside.

    We went to the Animal Defense League and the Humane Society today. We'd really like another heeler/heeler mix because they're so smart. (I figured Pete wouldn't like a cute but dumb doggie sister) We thought we had one all lined up- energetic 1year old spayed female heeler/border collie mix BUT after we submitted our application the trainer told us that she was a major fence jumper. In fact, according to the trainer, she has managed to scale the 6 foot chain link fences they use.

    We have 6 foot privacy fences in the back of the yard but only chain link in the front. (and we hate them and want to eventually have them replaced)

    Oh well. But I think Rick is excited since Petey was supposed to be his dog but ended up totally and completely my dog. (He's at my feet right now).

    We do have to be aware of the heeler's tendencies toward nipping the things they try to herd- aka the cats. Petey was quickly put in his place by Rascal (may he rest in peace, the Fat Bastard) but I'm not sure that the girls will be as aggressive in establishing who is in charge. (It's Nicki- Petey won't even walk in front of her and the other cats defer to her at the food dishes. She's the Queen Bee if ever there was one.)

    The cool thing is that both of these places encouraged us to bring Petey with us so that we can see how he behaves with the dogs. We were also going to go to the City pound but Nikolai fell asleep in the car.

    Hopefully, next weekend we'll be more successful.


  • #2
    Careful, Jenn...first comes the doggy sister...and then...comes the trip to Russia for the Nikolai sister
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Good luck with this. Getting a new pet is so exciting.
      IM PGY-2


      • #4
        Good luck.

        I really think we're a lot alike. Things start to get settled and WHAMO! let's add to the insanity!

        I don't regret Phoebe at all though. She's just about the coolest kitty I've ever encountered.


        • #5
          We have two cats and want to get a third animal. Right now we're renting, so I think our place would be a little small for a dog, since we want a golden retriever, but we're thinking about a third cat or maybe a guinea pig. I'm not sure how the cats would take to a guinea pig, though.


          • #6
            I'd love to get another pet but we can't agree if it should be a cat (me) or dog (DH). We'll probably end up moving first and then figuring it out.

            Post pics of the happy doggie-cat family once you bring the new addition home.


            • #7
              I have two kittens and two dogs and Amy just moved her cat back to my house because she is getting married in September and her BF is "allergic" to cats. Funny, when here he has no problem with my cats. He really just hates her cat (Abigail). I must admit Abigail is wierd, antisocial, and Jory wishes he had thought of the allergic angle before her BF did!!!!!
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

