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where do you go for your medical care?

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  • #16
    We're on DH's insurance so for specialty care we go to the hospital he works at, but my primary care doctor works out of a satellite clinic which is separate from the hospital. DH never goes to the doctor , so it's not an issue for him at all.

    As in Suzy Sunshine's case, the hospital system here is HUGE and I've never run into anyone I know. But the few times I have had to be in the hospital for something, I just request that no residents or medical students be allowed in the room. I have to admit that it has been nice that we've gotten special treatment because DH works there.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #17
      Originally posted by migirl
      We're on DH's insurance so for specialty care we go to the hospital he works at, but my primary care doctor works out of a satellite clinic which is separate from the hospital. DH never goes to the doctor , so it's not an issue for him at all.

      As in Suzy Sunshine's case, the hospital system here is HUGE and I've never run into anyone I know. But the few times I have had to be in the hospital for something, I just request that no residents or medical students be allowed in the room. I have to admit that it has been nice that we've gotten special treatment because DH works there.
      Yeah, I totally hear you on the medical dh never going to the doctor...

      Even though Chicago is huge, I find that in many ways the world is still so small... Just think, if I were in Arizona and had to go to the ER, it's likely that I could receive care from a high school classmate from Seattle -- Alison's dh!
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #18
        Originally posted by Luanne123
        LOL, Nellie the first pap I did was on a paid model That poor girl had approx 12 PAPs in one morniing. I think she was well paid. The male model also had approx 12 prostate exams. They did tell us that it was much nicer having Nurse Practitioner students instead of Med students because we have all actually touched people before!!!!
        One of my vet classmates used to do this for money....she was way braver than me!!!

        Daegan was born at Russ' hospital. It worked out for us b/c he could hang out in my room when he wasn't needed on the floor...the docs were really nice. I definitely got special treatment being a resident's wife. But if I do it again.....I think I want more creature comforts...the teaching hospital is also the charity hospital.....'nuff said!

        When I brought Daegan back for his NICU follow up with the ID of the students was the one who was scrubbed in on my Csection....I didn't know there was a student scrubbed on my surgery and it was a little weird talking to her about my son knowing she had seen me at my worst....adn my insides!
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #19
          I just started seeing one of my SO's dad's old colleagues. He retired recently so it's not like I'd run into him in the office and most of my "personal" issues get handled by my GYN, at a different branch of the hospital. I do NOT go to the teaching hospital where SO and all his friends are. Talk about wierd.


          • #20
            Since we have moved here, neither of us has seen anyone. The boys see a Family Practice doc in the same practice as DH, but in a different office.....and they have only seen him twice, for well-child visits/school physicals.

            During residency, (military) I saw a mixture of staff and residents. The residents I saw were all fairly close friends (it was a pretty big program; there were about 30 residents all told) and that was okay with me, although there were definitely residents that I would NOT have wanted involved with my care. For my boys, we were lucky enough to get hooked up with a pediatrician that was contract staff (not military, but working at a military hospital). (Is she still around, Jenn? Dr. Gea Miller?) She was awesome. Lots of experience and she helped me work around the military system/beauracracy, which is HUGE is San Antonio. She also was Italian and ended every visit by saying "I love-ah you" to my boys in her wonderful accent.

            During payback time, in Wichita Falls, I saw DH's partner for the approximately eight weeks of OB care I needed after we got there & before Nathan was born. At that point, I didn't really care WHO was looking at me, I just wanted the baby out! It was so damn hot there. After that, I saw a nurse practitioner who waxed poetic about the sexual benefits of doing Kegels (which was cringe-worthy because she worked so closely with DH) and then I saw an internal medicine doc who was contract staff at the military hospital.....she was married to the Air Force pediatrician who took care of our boys. And DH delivered their second daughter. And they now live in the northern part of Indiana. It all sounds a little incestuous now, but we all got the care we needed. Part of the reason that I don't have a doc yet here, though, is a desire on my part to avoid seeing someone that DH knows, now that I know we are here for the long haul and that our providers likely will be too. Yet, I still want the convenience that "keeping it in the family" provides. I really need to find someone this year!
            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #21
              DH hospital network. Luckily, we didn't encounter too many residents, except for DD#2 labor. The nurse kicked them out. My OB was there to deliver both of my babies. Otherwise, we haven't used the hospital.

              Angie- I know who I would recommend for and OB/Gyn where you are, but you probably know her. Mine was Jay P and his bedside manner stunk.


              • #22
                CRAP. It just dawned on me that we will be switching plans come July because DH is on this weird deal during his research years. His residency program pays his salary and benefits the first year. Then a different institution pays the second year which starts in July 07. Which means benefits change as well.

                Which means for me: If I get preggers anytime soon, I will have to switch plans, doctors and hospital right in the middle. Damn this system.


                • #23
                  We both go outside of dh's hospital. We did the same in med school as neither of us wanted our private matters common knowledge. The med school hospital had integrated records, so if you had seen anyone in their system it would come up on any machine in any office (if you had access). This didn't make me very comfortable. There was also the problem of seeing people you knew everywhere either through work (I worked at the med center) or med school. In 3rd year of med school Dh had to have nose surgery and we used the hospital due to expense, but we like to keep the regualr stuff private.
                  Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                  • #24
                    Answer to Sally:

                    Yes, Dr. Miller is still here and is still as awesome as ever. I swear the peds department will collapse if she ever leaves.



                    • #25
                      DH ran into this when he was in medical school. He was on a rotation where a fellow medical student was a patient. She had asked for no residents, medical students, etc. but DH ran into her boyfriend in the waiting room and then knew who the medical student was that had asked for no medical students. They "boyfriend" was undergoing a divorce from a very good friend of ours so the whole thing was very awkward and when word got out that it was her they of course blamed DH when he had nothing to do with it.

                      I guess b/c he's in such a specialized specialty and most of his friends are males in non ob-gyn specialties I've never worried about running into someone and having an awkward situation.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #26
                        I did go to DH's hospital's affiliated docs until I started meeting people in those departments in social settings. Then it just got too weird.

                        Luckily, insurance through my works covers outside of his network at the other large hospital here and those doctor's offices are close to my office so it works out well.

                        When I told the NP at the Ob-Gyn's office that I felt funny going to DH's hospital since I knew some of the Ob-Gyns she said they all did the same thing and she saw people from DH's hospital all the time.

