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thoughts and prayers needed for jaques!!!

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  • thoughts and prayers needed for jaques!!!

    jaques is the beautiful ball of fluffy kitten that my hubby bought me for my birthday - he was tearing up the house 2 days ago...and then early yesterday morning he took a turn for the worse. he has had a runny nose and eyes since we got him (yes, the lady who sold him to us is going to hear from us) but he was doing OK - i took him to the vet last week and he gave us some drops...then yesterday he became really lethargic and vomited early this morning. i took him to the vet as soon as they opened and they gave him some fluids and antibiotics. he had/has a high fever. i picked him up tonight and am going to keep him here with me tonight and then bring him back for more fluids tomorrow AM. the vet said it's 50-50 --- he could pull out of it but he's so tiny that they have to be really careful...PLEASE send your thoughts and prayers to jacques. he has brought us so much joy and laughs in the last week - i cried so many tears for him this morning and i will be devastated if he doesn't get better. thanks you'all!

  • #2
    Oh Claudia,

    I hope your kitty is feeling better!!!! I'm just now seeing this post.......what happened?



    • #3
      All my best thoughts and prayers for you and your kitten! I hope things are going better!

      Hang in there!



      • #4

        I'm so sorry to hear this--I'm praying that the little guy will pull through with flying colors. Keep us posted.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          jacques seems to be a trooper. i picked him up after work and he was a purring machine. he was also begging the vet to scratch his head (the little traitor!) he looks 100% better than he did yesterday! i gave him a little scratch session and he is now taking a nappie. i'm going to the grocery store to get him some of that juicy, fattening kitten food - we have the healthy kitten food - i want him to gain some weight! the most important thing right now is that he eats and drinks - he's on some antibiotics - it's looking like jacques will be our special kitten and a big thing to be thankful for on Thursday! thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers - i'll keep you posted.


          • #6
            Glad to hear the little tiger is on the's funny how we get so attached to our pets so quickly, isn't it!


