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Valentine's Day

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  • #16
    Earlier in our relationship we did the whole dinner/flowers/cards/gifts thing, but now we just do cards and DH usually buys me flowers even though I specifically ask him not to.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #17
      I'm really into Valentine's Day. That's because I like mushy, romantic, lovey-dovey stuff. We usually plan a fun date and give each other a card.


      • #18
        I don't know what we'll do this year. Since we've been married he has sent me a dozen roses. They are very nice to receive and look very nice on my desk but they are expensive. Maybe we'll just do a nice dinner out this year.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #19
          DH and I got together on valentines day (11 years ago ), but even so we dont do the full on valentines stuff. We might go out for dinner that week, but never on the day itself. He'll usually cook me dinner (very rare treat!), and we make each other a card. Last year was not such a good time for us and I think we skipped it altogether, but I have high hopes for this anniversary!


          • #20
            You so deserve that Barcelona trip after all that time apart! Sounds like it will be a blast


            • #21
              Well, our first date was on a Feb 8th...and then I asked him out on a 2nd date for valentines Day so we switch back and forth every year. on the 8th I do something special for him...on the 14th he does something special for me...and then we switch the next year...I am sure that will get old but it has been working for the past few years so...we will see. I think we celebrate more about it being the anniversary of when we started our relationship which happened to coincide with V-day.


              • #22
                What's Valentine's Day?

                Actually I try to get out of it every year and although DH agrees with me, I always end up with flowers and a card and a guilty feeling for not reciprocating. So a few years ago I bought a card and I've given him the same card every year. He hasn't noticed yet.



                • #23
                  DF is on call this year on V-Day, and he goes, "isnt that a day that only people who are dating are supposed to celebrate? I mean once you are engaged of married isn't all pressure off for that day?" needless to say i was not happy about that haha...even though i think its kinda a silly holiday


                  • #24
                    Our 9 and 10 yo boys want to have a Valentine's party this year...seriously! The catch is that they only want to invite their "guy friends" so basically they just an excuse to have a dozen 9 year old boys sleep over, Yah right!!!


                    • #25
                      It's not something we've ever been into, but dh usually picks me up some flowers and maybe a chocolate. He knows I'll take any excuse for chocolate! :.
                      Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ladybug
                        including DD and myself.
                        when are you?? i'm the 10th! I knew I liked you!!!


                        • #27
                          Happy Birthday


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ladybug
                            15th. Cappies Rule!! Happy Bday, you stubborn goat you!
                            right back at'cha!

                            I've had my 5th anniversary of my 29th birthday. It was lovely. 14 hours in a minivan on the way to Cleveland. Now THAT'S a countnry music song.


                            • #29
                              We don't do a whole lot. My poor husband has our anniversary, my birthday, and Valentine's Day, all within two weeks of each other. We usually get cards for each other, but that's about it. We tend only do something big for our anniversary on the 1st. The other stuff isn't a big deal, to us.

