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Recurring transactions

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MissCrabette
    Sometimes I even send them back without watching them because I can't remember why I rented them in the first place.
    I do the exact same thing with my Netflix movies. I'm relieved I'm not the only one.

    A couple years ago I joined a gym and then promptly forgot about it. Unfortunatly, they didn't forget and continued to automatically withdraw my monthly fee from my bankaccount. Tells you a little something about my dedication to exercise. It was a full year before I got around to cancelling that membership.


    • #17
      We stopped using Netflix because we weren't watching the movies. Dh knows how to copy DVDs, so he was doing that for a few of the movies so that we could watch them at some point. We just go over to Hollywood Video. They're always out of things and they're assholes there (they won't help you look for stuff), so I do miss Netflix...
      married to an anesthesia attending

