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Michele!!!!! Help!

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  • Michele!!!!! Help!

    Michele, it's time to feel useful again. I'm so worried about Paris. This morning she had pretty nasty diarreah. I put her in the crate today because the cleaning lady was coming and when I got home from work, she had thrown up in one corner and diareeahed (is that a word?) in two other corners of the crate. It was a HELL of a mess to clean up. Anyway, she just threw up twice on my carpet. It's kinda gooey and I'm wondering if it's because she got some food off of the table yesterday. She ended up eating some prociutto, some mozzarella, and a lot of peanut butter. Do you think that might be part of it?? She also had some rawhides earlier in the day. I'm really low on cash and I'm leaving to go out of town for work tomorrow. Do I need to make an emergency trip to the vet tonight or do you think she'll be okay??? She's up and about like normal and doesn't seem to be in pain or anything. I'm so confused!!

  • #2
    Are you bringing her with you? Or is SO watching her?

    For acute vomiting and diarrhea, with no other apparent signs of illness....with-holding food for 24 hours is reasonable. If the vomiting isn't bad, allow free access to water. If she vomits up the water, then you can try to just give ice cubes so that she ingests it slowly which may be easier for her belly...but if she can't tolerate that, then she should be seen for IV fluids at the least.

    Once you've held food for 24 hours and the vomiting and diarrhea have stopped, you can slowly add food back in...give her small amounts of plain rice and bland chicken. You can boil the chicken, and use the water to make the rice. Don't offer too much at once....if she's about 40 pounds, only offer about two tablespoons of the rice/chicken at a time...and only about once every 4 hours. If she weighs less, offer less. If she tolerates that, then slowly increase the amount each feeding. When she seems to be eating close to her normal amount (add up all the food over the course of a day) then transition her back to dog food by mixing increasing amounts of dog food with the chicken/rice mixture (and decreasing the amount of chicken/rice).

    If at any time, the vomiting or diarrhea gets worse, or she's acting sluggish or in pain, or she seems dehydrated (tacky gums instead of slippery ones) or if she doesn't stop vomiting/diarrhea after ~24 hours...she should be seen by a vet. If her stools are still loose, but formed, then I'm not as concerned as if they are watery. They should slowly firm up as she eats more. If you notice blood, call the vet.

    The richness of the cheese and prociutto could very well have brought it on....and if that's the case it should go away fairly quickly. It can lead to pancreatitis and she'll show signs of being's pretty painful in dogs like people...basically, if she gets worse or doesn't get better in 24 hours, call the vet. It could also be from something else and you might never figure out don't beat yourself up about the people food.

    Hope that helps!
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      I'm leaving tomorrow morning and SO is going to stop in in the morning and the evening to take her out and feed her, so no one will be with her constantly. I don't know if I trust SO to judge if she's okay or not and I really don't think he'll be willing to feed her chicken and rice ever four hours. Her stools were loose during the day (what I found in her crate) but watery this evening. However, she hasn't thrown up or anything since around 7:00. It's been almost two hours.

      I'm just super paranoid about leaving her alone in the apartment while I'm gone.


      • #4
        PS - Can you tell I'm having guilty mommy syndrome. SO is rolling his eyes at me for being a worry wort and I'm tearing up. The last time I went away and was worried, my dog died.


        • #5
          Michelle- Too bad iMSN couldn't put you on salary as the resident vet. Then you could stay home with Daegan and be an online consult. Best of both worlds!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Phoebe
            Michelle- Too bad iMSN couldn't put you on salary as the resident vet. Then you could stay home with Daegan and be an online consult. Best of both worlds!

            Miss November: make the chicken and rice tonight....have him give her 1/4 cup tomorrow night, but see if he can stay with her for about 30 minutes after she eats....then again in the morning...she'll probably be's ok to keep her crated (for ease of cleanup if needed) but just make sure she has a bowl of water. He's going to be a doctor....he should be able to tell if she might need a vet....he can always call the clinic and talk to one of the techs. How long are you going to be gone? She'll probably spend most of tomorrow sleeping and resting. She should be fine. Occasional V/D is very common! And it's usually over as quick as it starts!
            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #7
              THANK YOU!!!

