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I know you all hate me...

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  • I know you all hate me...

    I know you all hate me, so you don't even have to bother to answer if you don't want to. I just don't have anybody else to vent to and I am still trying to get used to this...Have not heard from him in over a week, even after he called, said it was only his job and he does want to see me and invited me to a residency banquet and promised to call in a few days. I heard from a friend that the hospital has been hell this month and from him I heard the same...TRYING to be supportive. I txt him today to say "I heard things are still crazy! Hope all is ok! Don't work too hard and have a good day!" Have not heard back. Just feeling frustrated...And sad. Trying to trust what he says...

  • #2
    We don't hate you but seriously you sound like a girl with a high school crush. If you really work in medicine (as you stated earlier) you should understand the life of a resident. He probably is very busy and he probably isn't thinking about calling you because he's so tired or he's blowing you off - either is completely possible and there is no way to know online. You are the one that is in the same town as him and supposedly works at the same hospital.

    We can tell you what we know of the basic resident life and I think we have, but this is a call you have to make yourself. If you're really into him, then get used to his lack of available-ness or move one.

    We are a very supportive community but there is only so much we can say or do.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear things are tough. This may sound strange, but I'm just wondering - is it possible he's married already? Other than that, I think there are two options:

      1) He actually means what he says - He likes you but he's very busy. You have to decide whether you can handle this being a repeating pattern, because it isn't going to get better.

      2) He's just not that into you.

      Either way, I don't think his actions seem to be making you happy, so I would probably take it as a sign to get out while you can. Marriage (to anyone) is hard enough, even under the best of circumstances!

      Good luck.


      • #4
        No. We didn't sleep together. Ok, So I called him and told him that I didn't think he had the time or interest in me and that I needed to find someone who did. I would like us to still be friends and I would like to be there for him if he ever needs to talk about work. He called me back PRONTO...And said "I am SO HAPPY for you. I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry I don't have more to give you right now. I went looking for you at work, I sat there waiting for you, but you weren't there that day, I sat there reading a book waiting. I'm thinking about you. If you find yourself free, call me and we'll go have lunch. Thank you for being there for me. I appreciate it." That was his message. I didn't know he'd come to work looking for me or that he was thinking about me. I txt him and said "I was thinking about you too, I'm sorry I didn't know. I already knew you didn't have the time or interest in me." But I guess I did the right thing. I just feel like such a stinking wreck!!!! I really have feelings for this guy and I'm just trying to force myself to move on. THIS SUCKS!!!! I feel like hell. I have never felt like this about somebody so soon before, but I just can't take it.


        • #5
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            As a guy who has been very busy throughout my education/career, there was always time for "that stuff"...

            You should just be unavailable and move on. Sorry...
            Husband of an amazing female physician!

