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What did you get for X-mas/Hannukah,etc?

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  • What did you get for X-mas/Hannukah,etc?

    So.....spill it...what did you guys get?...and what did you give?

    I got a nice pair of earrings from Thomas....and I gave him a seiko watch...We had gotten a gift certificate for $100 to a local jeweler, and I used it to get the was a really big surprise for him because we'd agreed on a set amount to spend this year......I didn't go over it and he got a great watch...he collects them and so it was a great surprise!


  • #2
    I don't really exchange gifts anymore. (BROKE!!!) However, I did get the wonderful gift of spending part of the holidays my best friend who hails from Orange County, California. Boy, did she rethink the allure of a White Christmas!!! Seriously, we had a WONDERFUL time. I think that she will insist that we visit her next year, however!
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      You and Sean didn't give each other a little something?



      • #4
        My beloved husband gave me six months of a cleaning service. They came out 12/27. It was a near religious experience when I came home and had a clean house- including the oven and refrigerator and freezer. Ahhhhhh, sweet relief!

        I love that man-


        PS- I gave him a watch.


        • #5
          Gee, buy some stocks in watch companies: I gave my hubby one too!!! He's been wearing the Seiko leather strap watch I gave him years ago and loves it, but he got tired of wet straps and changing the straps and batteries (constant washing hands in the clinics and the fact that I think he has battery acid for sweat). So I gave him an all stainless steel Citizen watch that never needs a battery (powered by the sun) and is waterproof to 100 meters so he can shower with it on. For him, heaven is never taking off a watch... This one should withstand his torture.

          He gave me a cool set of porcelain dishes I'd been coveting for ages. I've never had "nice" dishes, so I'm thrilled with them. We eat off them all the time, even our morning toast! I even let my 3 year olds use them. Call me crazy (many have), but I believe in using your nice stuff, as life is too short to save it. If you are suspecting that I have to tell him every year what I want to get, you're right. But he did surprise me with another envelope tucked into the tree. It's a voucher for a "romantic evening" in the big city without the kids. Our tenth anniversary is coming up at the end of January, so I'm thinking that might be a good time.

          Jenn, cleaning service is divine. My girls can trash my house in mere hours after the cleaning lady leaves (every two weeks she comes and does her magic). But at least I know the dirt is "new dirt".
          Edited by: Janet at: 1/2/02 11:44:58 pm


          • #6
            Oh, Robin, I know what you mean. My hubby and I always vow not to get anything for each other, he caves and buys me something, and I look like the Grinch! Long ago, we decided that our spare cash would go towards "events" rather than "things": i.e. vacations, gymnastic lessons, date nights, babysitters, etc. We really have all the material objects that we need. I have to admit, however, this year we both caved a little bit. I got him a baseball cap of his favorite team and he bought me Stevie Wonder's Greatest Hits CD.

            However, I agree with you, Christmas is watching the kids' faces when they see Santa, play in the snow, or play with their cousins. That is my favorite part of the holiday.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Wow...I guess Thomas and I are just kids in big bodies!!! I have to say that when he dresses up like Santa I get all if Santa himself were standing in the room...every year my mom has remarked that I'm more excited than the kids!

              For me, one of the joys is finding neat little gifts for the kids and Thomas....I buy a lot of little things and then everyone gets one "big" gift. Thomas and I limit ourselves to $25 or so for each other so it isn't ever anything huge...I take joy in hiding things so that no one can find them and Thomas finds the same joy in turning the house, closets, garage, etc. upside down whenever my back is turned. He can't STAND no knowing what he is getting.

              Since my mom and I bought our gifts for him on the 23rd he thought he was getting nothing and he was pretty bummed about it! I hid the watch in a suitcase. My mom bought him a business card holder for his pocket/wallet from the same jewelry store and so it went into the suitcase too...he was such a big pain in the rump about christmas and part of it was that he thought that all he was getting was a picture cube to put the kids pics on his desk and a book about finances (that I got at the dollar store!!).

              He putzed through the gift opening and I nearly had to call the paramedics when he opened his gifts from my mom and I...he couldn't believe it...........

              I guess I'm just a big kid The kids were equally as excited about was a nice day!

              Just 362 days 'till X'mas!



              • #8
                Jenn, I am so jealous!! I would love cleaning service! What a wonderful hubby you have. I will have to settle for my hubby helping out a LOT and putting my kids to work!

                My hubby and I received a really cool keyboard for Christmas from my parents. My husband plays the piano and we have been wanting one forever so that Russ could play and so that I could get the kids in piano lessons. I am hoping to learn as my kids learn.

                I hate to admit to what I got my husband ... he is such a turkey ... we decided that we would not get each other ANYTHING because we got new carpet throughout the house and felt that was a great gift in itself. Well, needless to say ... my hubby couldn't hold to the bargain but I did which makes me the Scrooge! He got me a pair of overalls that I wanted with a nice shirt. Of course, it came from Santa not him but still... he did get a gift from Santa too. He bought himself a waffle iron!

                My kids loved their gifts though. And seeing their sweet lit up faces was well worth it! I love Christmas!



                • #9
                  I got Dave this great long dress coat for Christmas. We looked at them one day, found 2 in his size, but didn't buy them then. I went out Dec 23rd to do his shopping & he kept saying "Don't forget the coat!' I called him while out shopping(right after buying the coat) and just mentioned that they had sold out of his size, thinking that he'd never believe me. Well, he did and was so upset about not getting the coat. My friend that i was shopping with needed to buy diapers, so we went to Sams, she bought the big box of diapers, emptied them out of the box & let me put the coat in the box. Then, I put a heavy book in there, just in case he decided to pick up the box. He admitted that he was curious about what was in the big box, but didn't mess with it so as not to spoil Christmas (he's good like that). He was so surprised when we exchanged gifts! He really did believe me when I said they were sold out. HA HA HA HA!

                  It was so fun!


