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  • #16
    I don't buy Pop Tarts simply b/c I will eat them all.


    • #17
      My kids eat them occasionally, but as an afterschool snack. I don't think they realize they are for breakfast. Then, they do eat the fiber rich/fruit combos....and I try to mix in protein. (I always start out strong with good nutrition in the morning, but end up getting pizza by dinner. )

      They sell Pop tart singles in my son's cafeteria as a snack. He buys them all the time with his lunch account money. I'm sure they are on the list of offensive items for the nutrition PTO committee.....he better get them while he still can. :>
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18
        I still eat pop-tarts. To make it even worse I REALLY enjoy the smore kind...oh well.


        • #19
          My kid ate them! On a different note my sister and I were visiting my Dad and we sat up and watched the Clinton innaugaration (sp??) and ate two boxes of poptarts with two bottles of wine!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #20
            I love Pop Tarts yet I hate the filling. So of course I do the only practical thing you can do in such situations ... I continue to buy them but scrape out the filling before eating them. Yum.


            • #21
              MMMmm I love Pop Tarts! I don't buy them either because I'll eat the whole box.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Genivieve
                I don't buy Pop Tarts simply b/c I will eat them all.
                Thats my philosophy for any sweet foods! I'll only buy single servings at a time, one candy bar etc..

                DH used to be a pop tart addict, he used to take them in his jersey on long bike rides.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mommax3
                  including his "rule" that the breakfast cereals we buy have to have less than 6 grams of sugar per serving.
                  Growing up, we weren't allowed to have any cereals that had sugar in the top three ingredients. That even rules out Smart Start! Now, I still follow that rule (with EVERYTHING I buy) but I also won't buy anything with High Frutose Corn Syrup, Aspartame, or Sacharin ANYWHERE in the ingredients.

                  I may sound like a freak, but I still eat well.


                  • #24
                    My husband is a fresh off the boat German, so we're going through the growing pains of him experiencing the sugary American treats that don't exist in Germany.

                    The other day, he came home with pink marshmallows! He roasts them on our gas stove.

                    And, he loves Pop Tarts.

                    And these crazy-looking multi-flavored Eggo Waffles.

                    I didn't grow up on cereal and Pop Tarts (I've never had a Pop Tart in my life! ) My grandmother used to microwave me a hotdog wiener for the schoolbus. Really!
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #25
                      When I was growing up, my parent's attitude was that children should not be denied junk food. As a result, I drank Mountain Dew for breakfast every day from first grade on, ate tons of candy, pop tarts, fruit roll ups, fast food, etc.

