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Astronaut Gone Nutty

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  • Astronaut Gone Nutty

    Did you guys hear about the first astronaut to be charged w/a felony? It's such a surreal case ... ... mailedlink

    An astronaut who grew up in Rockville, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and flew on the space shuttle Discovery last summer was charged Tuesday with the attempted murder of a woman she believed to be the rival love interest of a shuttle pilot.

    According to Orlando police, Navy Capt. Lisa M. Nowak, 43, drove 900 miles from her home in Houston, wearing a diaper so she would not have to stop to use a restroom. She spotted Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman, 30, who arrived Monday at Orlando International Airport after a commercial flight from Houston.

    Nowak, dressed in a trench coat and wearing a black wig, followed Shipman from a parking shuttle to her car and squirted her with pepper spray, according to court documents.

    But the basis for the murder charge was a black duffel bag that Nowak was carrying, packed with a steel mallet, high-powered BB gun and buck knife. Prosecutors allege that the weapons prove an intent to kill.

    Her lawyer disagrees.

    "These are the given facts," attorney Donald Lykkebak said in a bail hearing Tuesday that was broadcast live on television. "A desperate woman wants to have a conversation with another woman. She didn't shoot her, she didn't stab her, she didn't do anything else other than to talk to her."

    Lykkebak, based in Orlando, did not return phone calls seeking comment.

    In a statement released Tuesday night, Nowak's family said the mother of three had separated from her husband in recent weeks.

    "We are anxious to allow the facts to develop so that we can better under stand what happened, and why. We hope that the public will keep an open mind about what the facts will eventually show and that the legal system will be allowed to run its course," the statement read.

    NASA removed Nowak from flight status and all mission-related activities and put her on 30-day leave Tuesday. The space agency has never had an active- duty astronaut charged with a felony, said Roger Launius, chairman of the space history division at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington.

    "We are deeply saddened by this tragic event. The charges against Lisa Nowak are serious ones that must be decided by the judicial system. We will continue to monitor developments in the case," Michael Coats, director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, said in a statement released Tuesday night by the agency.

    Steve Lindsey, who heads the astronaut office at the Johnson Space Center, flew to Florida to investigate what happened and "determine the next steps," a spokesman said. He was also there to support Nowak, a longtime family friend, when a judge set bond at $15,500 for the initial charges of attempted kidnapping, attempted vehicle burglary with battery, destruction of evidence and battery.

    Nowak posted bail and was to be released and allowed to return to Texas, but police and prosecutors filed the attempted murder charge and pushed for her to stay in jail with no bond.

    They lost that fight when an added $10,000 bond was set for the attempted murder count and she left the jail about 5:20 p.m. with a jacket covering her head. Nowak will have to wear a tracking device.

    If convicted on the most serious charge, she could be sentenced to life in prison.

    Born in Washington, Nowak was valedictorian of her high school in Rockville and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1985, a member of the fifth class into which women were admitted. She lived in St. Mary's County while working at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, where she graduated from the Navy's test pilot school. NASA selected Nowak in 1996. She flew aboard Discovery last July.

    She told police she went to Florida to talk to Shipman, an engineer assigned to the 45th Launch Support Squadron at Patrick Air Force Base near the Kennedy Space Center, who she believed was "involved" with Cmdr. William A. Oefelein, 41, who lives in Houston and also trained at Patuxent in 1995 and 1997.

    Police recovered from Nowak's car a cache of e-mail messages from Shipman to Oefelein and a letter from Nowak stating how much she loved the man, though she told a detective that their relationship was "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship." She told police she obtained Shipman's flight information without permission from Oefelein's computer.

    Oefelein, who piloted Discovery during a mission to the International Space Station several months after Nowak's mission on the craft, did not return phone calls seeking comment, and the nature of his relationship with either woman was unclear Tuesday night. Calls placed to Shipman's and Nowak's homes were not returned.

    Though Nowak contended that her weapons were meant only to scare Shipman, the charging documents paint a portrait of a well-planned, if bizarre, mission that turned into a harrowing few moments more apropos to a Hollywood thriller.

  • #2
    You know what's unreal to me? For attempted murder, etc. she gets out the same day on a $25,000 bond (and wearing a ankle locator).

    Hmmmnn.... let's see. If this were a male astronaut....given the known facts and he would have driven in a car all night with pepper spray, rope, etc., accosted someone at an airport...etc., etc. would he have been out on bond like that?

    Nah, like her lawyer said she didn't want to hurt the other astronaut. The gun, knife etc. was to facilitate clearing the air...a dialogue if you will... tete a tete....

    Okay, my rant's over. She's crazy as bat guano.

    My bet is that she's bipolar and didn't take her meds and/or has never been treated.

    Imagine the real male astronaut in the "triangle". Hi, honey I'm home. Now dear I know this looks bad but I can explain....


    • #3
      Originally posted by uvagradk
      Imagine the real male astronaut in the "triangle". Hi, honey I'm home. Now dear I know this looks bad but I can explain....
      I also have to wonder why she wore a diaper, because... wouldn't she have to stop for gas anyway????



      • #4
        The diapers are a cool twist.

        Like you said, she'd need gas anyway. And if she was worried about being on security cameras when she walked in to ask for the bathroom key, she'd have to walk in to pay with cash. And if she paid at the pump, there'd be a time-stamp record of her travel anyway.

        So, why not visit the girls room at a rest stop, McD's etc.?

        My guess is she went all "logistics" crazy and had created some minute-by-minute travel plan and the bathroom time seemed to upset the whole balance for her plan.

        Yeah, the male astronaut has some 'splaining to do. Even if he never had a relationship with the psycho naut, all reports seem to pretty much take for granted that he had one with the intended victim naut and he's married with a couple of kids. Reports don't say one way or another whether intended victim naut is married or not.


        • #5
          According to the San Antonio paper, the male involved is divorced and psycho astronaut just separated from her husband a few weeks ago. The unknown here is still the AF Captain.

          (and to explain the military hierarchy- a Captain in the AF is a junior officer. A Captain in the Navy is a Senior officer, the equivalent of a Colonel in the other services. So- the ranks go from 01-010. AF Captain is an 03. The astronauts are 06. Not necessarily a bad thing if the 03 and the 06 are seeing each other unless the senior officer of the two is also a supervisor which is apparently not the case here.)



          • #6
            Thanks for the scoop Jenn.

            So, at this point, nutty naut just needs to explain that she really wouldn't have killed intended victim naut. Male naut needs to think about dating non nauts in the future or at least non-nutty nauts.

            Oh, and though he won't ... I'd like someone to satisfactorily explain why she got out (given the pending charges) on a measly $25,000 bond.

            Jeffrey Toobin on tv last night offered up a lame excuse (avoiding the elephant in the room e.g. her gender) and said the judge saw in essence two people (e.g. the one side of her that is / was? a trustworthy astronaut). Then, he concluded that the judge's low bond was hoping that her "astronaut" self would step up to the plate.

            There is no way in the world that if all givens were the same (except for gender) that a male astronaut would be walking out same day on $25,000 bond.


            • #7

              You are oh so correct. and I'd expect that if the situation were reversed and the junior AF honey was the one who had attacked the senior fancy pants astronaut, junior honey would also be lounging comfortably in orange.

              I don't think the judge did anyone a service by letting crazy naut out of jail. It would seem to me that a mere restraining order as filed by junior honey is not going to be enough to stop senior nutty honey if she gets her panties into a (literal) twist again.



              • #8


                • #9
                  If I had to guess, I bet the judge could've been swayed in part by her abject appearance. Yeah, she looked crazed and weak. But had things played out a little differently, how strong would she have needed to be to get the job done with pepper spray, the element of suprise and the air gun at close range?

                  Of course, in some ways I guess the gender stereotype works both ways. In the scenario that seems to be playing out she's a disturbed weak crazy lady...don't fear her or pity her.

                  With a male astronaut, even if looking wan and disheveled, he'd be that crazy ****^%er who will definitely jump bail with a McGyverlike plan to assume a new identity in South America.. even if he was just some dude who pooed himself en route to the airport and a botched ________ fill in the blank with his intent.


                  • #10
                    Of course! He'd be the cruel, aloof astronaut who took advantage of the fact that her marriage was disintegrating...

                    and let's see, junior honey would be the the "jealous and vindictive junior officer who had her sights set on a man who just wasn't interested."

                    On CNN last night they had the guy who wrote "He's just not that into you" and I was mad that I missed it. I'd love to have heard his take.



                    • #11
                      Nutty naut. Come on, guys, she just wanted to scare her -- with a knife and trash bags.

                      I agree about the bond. And I feel bad for her kids. Maybe it is better that she will be away from them but no one wants mom to be the top story on the national news.

                      She is a naughty nutty naut.


                      • #12
                        all this naut/06/010 talk has my head spining.
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                        • #13
                          Anyone see "The Daily Show" last night? Jon Stewart said the writing team hasn't been this happy since 'Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face." :!

                 ... ndex.jhtml


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              remember the nutty naughty naut??!!

                              she was sentenced today.


                              ORLANDO, Fla. – A former astronaut pleaded guilty Tuesday to attacking a romantic rival after driving 1,000 miles from Houston to Orlando and was sentenced to a year on probation.
                              Lisa Nowak, a Navy captain, pleaded guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanor battery. She originally had been charged with two felonies — attempted kidnapping and burglary — along with misdemeanor battery. She could have faced up to life in prison under the attempted kidnapping charge.
                              Nowak confronted her romantic rival, Colleen Shipman, in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007 after driving from Houston. Shipman had begun dating Nowak's love interest, former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.
                              Wearing a wig and trenchcoat, Nowak followed Shipman to the parking lot and tried to get into her car, then attacked her with pepper spray. Shipman was able to drive away.
                              Police arrested Nowak a short time later in the parking lot near a trash can where she was seen getting rid of a bag. In Nowak's bag police found a steel mallet, a knife, a BB pistol, rubber tubing and several large garbage bags.

                              Almost three years later, I'm still reeling from her vicious attack," Shipman told Circuit Judge Marc L. Lubet after Nowak's plea, holding back tears. "I know in my heart when Lisa Nowak attacked me, she was going to kill me.
                              "I believe I escaped a horrible death that night," Shipman said.
                              She described how she still fears for her life, suffers nightmares, migraines, high blood pressure and other medical problems and has bought a shotgun and has a concealed weapons permit. She now lives in Alaska with Oefelein.
                              "The world I knew before Lisa Nowak is unrecognizable," Shipman said. "Every stranger I see is a potential attacker."
                              After being told by the judge to face Shipman, Nowak apologized for the pain she brought to Shipman's life.
                              "I hope very much that we can all move forward from this with privacy and peace," Nowak said.
                              Lubet ordered her to have no contact with Shipman or Oefelein.
                              "You brought this on yourself. I don't have any sympathy for you in that respect," Lubet told Nowak.
                              The plea came after an appeals court ruled last year that diapers, latex gloves and other items found in Nowak's car could be used as evidence in a trial that had been scheduled for next month, but her six-hour police interview after her arrest could not. The court said investigators took advantage of the former astronaut, who had not slept for more than 24 hours, coercing her into giving information.
                              Nowak, 46, is a married mother of three. She flew on the space shuttle in 2006, but was dismissed from the astronaut corps after her arrest and has since been on active duty at a Navy base in Corpus Christi, Texas. Oefelein, 44, also was forced out of NASA

