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  • Chat

    So how does the chat work? I can go in and I see what looks like a chat screen but how do I know if other people are also viewing it?

    Cool feature Kris - thanks!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    I'm not sure. I've been in there too....but I haven't seen you yet!

    Maybe I'll pop back in for awhile and see if anyone else becomes visible over time.

    I'm not sure it's completely set up yet. It seemed to be different the two times I went in.

    We might finally have that book group meeting!!!
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #3
      Ravenclaw and I just chatted in the room.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #4
        Very cool!! This chat feature might prove to be very dangerous for me when I'm work.


        • #5
          When you chatted did both of your user names show up on the right hand box? I only see myself.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
            When you chatted did both of your user names show up on the right hand box? I only see myself.
            I saw Angie's username when I went in underneath my name. I'm in there now and I only see my name so I'm all alone.

            Maybe we should schedule chats on debated topics??? Or like Angie had mentioned, the book club meetings would be good to have in there too.


            • #7
              I changed the setting on the side to allow in min 2 users and max unspecified. I don't know if that changed anything -- but thought I'd mention it.

              I'm not sure if my settings are different since I'm specified as an administrator, so tell me if something I've mentioned doesn't jibe with what you've seen. I'm just figuring out the new system.

              Must read Cider House Rules. Quickly.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #8
                ooooh -- the chatting option will be fun. thanks again Kris!


                • #9
                  So happy!!

                  Is there a way to tell if someone is in the chatroom before you click on it?

                  I can look up the code Kris, if you want. It's pretty easy, and it shows if there are people in there, so you know when to click.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #10
                    I imagining a scheduled coffee break in the future.
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #11
                      I'll be adding a schedule of chats this week.

                      We'll need to take this puppy for a test-run. If it turns out not to be a good chatroom, I'll have to *gulp* mod in something else.

                      Please send rum

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

