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How was your day?

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  • How was your day?


    :badday: for most of the day.

    now =====> :hey:

    Obviously, you must post smilies to play this game...and...if you post some from other places, I'll add them too
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I worked all day, then drove 1 1/2 hours each way to hand deliver two pages of my IRB application to my professor, because tomorrow is the deadline. We had not signed two of the pages :huh: :huh: Just got home and must be in clinical tomorrow morning.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Is this frankencan?

      for only brief periods today and lots of crying. Entering a phase of easy over-stimulation. :thud:

      Peeing on the floor incident while I'm igout: trying to make soup for group soup.

      :dyson: Not a whole lot of this action. Vacuum broke, bought a spiffy new one (not a Miele or Dyson :huh: ), and the damn thing is defective! I have to take it back!! Not happy. It cleaned the floors but just stops rolling intermittently. At least the floors are clean but my leg is bruised from running into it when it stops.

      Tomorrow is another day, right? :therethere:


      • #4
        Today I watched my nieighbors kids The tradeoff was to be that since because I am hosting playgroup tomorrow, my neighbor would take my kids for a few hours tonight so I could clean up my house. Well, she came home early with the stomach flu and throwing up So my absolute hassle of a day, and no payoff. That is why it is after midnight, and I am still sitting on my 'puter procrastinating the rest of my late night cleaning session.

        Oh- and on the way into the grocery store today with 4 misbehaving children ages 6 and under and a big swollen belly, some dude stops to tell me "Maybe you should think about going on that Supernanny show or something". Thanks for the farking tip They are not all mine jackass, but I appreciate the vote of confidence.
        Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


        • #5
          Pretty decent day, actually.

          Woke up to the usual routine. :alarmclock:

          Got the kids off to school with little drama and went to walk the dog.Tried to take photos of the insane dog in the woods to post..... aparazzi: ..... but decided video was the only possibility. He's speedy.

          Came home and did a little before heading off to the grocery store to stock my cabinets. Quite bare here. Ran in to several people doing errands and discovered that Wednesday's Valentine Party co-ordinator has not done anything for the party yet. Made phone calls to class attempting to sound like back-up planner and hope I haven't created rift with slacker mom.

          Hosted play dates..... :jumpsofa:

          Made dinner and fed kids BEFORE evening activities

          Took son to indoor soccer practice. Made 24 Valentines with daughter.

          Picked up son, put daughter to bed.

          Went to neighbors for Wished him a :happybirthday:

          Then, a little :dyson:

          A few minutes of

          Pretty decent.

          Let's see how today goes. It's supposed to be :brrr: We're expecting a foot of snow.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            here are my contributions.

            for jenn H

            for kelly
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              I want to play!

              Yesterday started with :alarmclock: at 5:15 as usual, which felt too early (as usual ) especially because of the night before.

              Got to school at 7:20 some lesson plans, and got ready for a meeting at 8:00, which was mostly without too much .

              Teaching yesterday morning was filled with :rah: and :banghead: on my part, with :nana: and :wee: from the kids, along with a little and :sosad: too.

              Had a nice lunch with :dawkter: who then headed home for since he had been up most of the night on call. I ran some errands, tried to get gas at the cheap place (too crowded!) and then went to the boys' school to run the enrichment program that I do twice a month. By this time, I was tired and had started having cramps (sorry if tmi) so working with 30 kids made me feel like :needabreak: , and once we were headed home, I was NOT in the mood for :nana: and from my own children, so I :tsk: nipped it in the bud before it could get started.

              When I got home, I did a lot more and finished my assignment for a class. :happybouncing: DH made dinner :mydoc: while I aper: . After dinner, we both and worked on a little bit of . The came out in me later in the evening because I felt like DH was getting the kids too wound up before bedtime, so there was a little :fight: and then I felt :guilty: . We made up, though, so all's well that ends well. I ended the day with some and a that we would have a snow day today.

              Since I have wasted all this time posting this at 9:40 in the morning, obviously I got my wish! :happyrolling:

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                So far I've only had a chance to :alarmclock: and . Subway sucked again as usually but luckily it broke on the stop with a transfer option that dropped me off even closer to the office. DH came home after a call and looked very snuggly with Firka on top when I was leaving. I still wish I was there with them and not here. We're also expecting :brrr: tonight and I have a cooking class I already paid for.

                This is me today.


                • #9
                  Ugh. Yesterday... :banghead:

                  I woke up late :alarmclock: and was late to a meeting at work - after which I got yelled at by my boss. Crazy Girl was later than me and fuming pissed when she came in. Apparently someone from the company was spreading rumors about her life and she thinks it was someone from work. :huh: She said, "I'm going to destroy this person!" Then, we found out we lost are main account in the RFP and we all might get laid off. I have an interview today that I am trying to keep secret.

                  I went to lunch with New Girl at work and afterwards felt really sick. It lasted all night, so I didn't get to see my SO last night.

                  I went to the dry cleaners and did some ironing while I watched TV and the dog went crazy with energy, bounding all over the apt.

                  Then... I did my taxes. I owe the IRS.

                  My interview just got rescheduled. I almost threw up in the middle of the night last night. But I did my hair today. For nothing.

                  Is it Friday yet? :waiting:


                  • #10
                    I'll just cut to the chase and get to the highlights...

                    My 7 year old woke up in the middle of the night and decided to play with his new birthday toys and make himself a snack. He was a bear cat this morning.

                    I had four more moles removed by my dermatologist this morning after receiving news that my last biopsy was irregular.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      My day yesterday:

                      :banghead: at work doing more demographics... Bo-ring.

                      Dave is still here

                      I haven't been to sleep before 1:00am in five days, I need liver enzyme therapy to detox my body and Nikolai wakes up every night between midnight and 2:00 am, apparently just to chat with us.



                      • #12
                        Yesterday--- Can't remember

                        Tuesday..... :alarmclock: of kids waking me up.

                        :babygirl: , It is a :brrr: day so both kids are off today.

                        :dawkter: off to work, kids .
                        igout: made pancakes and bacon

                        Try to get :babygirl: to , but instead just .

                        Finally, she falls asleep in the swing and the girls and I play games while they :fight: . :banghead: Redirect...

                        I bribe them to help me :dyson: and . Then we made a Valentines Cake.

                        The rest of the day includes :dyson:, keeping the kids from and doing :jumpsofa: trying not to go from :funnycry: . By the end of the day, I will feel like :needabreak: and try to shovel :brrr:


                        • #13
                          Lately, all and I seem to do is :fight: .

                          I and and :badday: and and and :waiting: and and and :needabreak: , and just says :therethere: without really doing anything to solve anything. WHich is why I am doing all of those previous things.

                          So, last night came home, and I decided to put on my big girl panties and for my husband to let him know how much I :mydoc: I even got all into it and talked for him .

                          Afterward, and I :alarmclock:, and
                          got up at 4:00 to head back into Augusta for today and tomorrow.

                          Meanwhile, I am trying to pay bills and gathering as much :02: and as I can. I am watching a in my house this week for extra I have been so this year, and my son has given me every bug imaginable. This is the 4th day in a row he is absent from school.

                          So I have been and and :dyson:

                          My daughter is being locked up in :babygirl: because she is definitely the source of a lot of my lately.

                          I have to go to the post office and send a gift for my nephew. :happybirthday: Late of course.

                          So, there you have it.
                          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                          • #14
                            Monday sucked for me I only slept like 5 hours and work politics were driving me crazy and I was just plain crabby. I wish I could have had a beer arty: but I am knocked up!!! lol!


                            • #15
                              Our today-

                              7 am kids wake up but because I am 14 weeks :mom2b: all I want to do is :alarmclock: and not look in the mirror at my teenager face.

                              Not to mention I am still feeling nauseous (where is the ing smilie when you need it)

                              I did and as it was starting to pile up. Amazing how having 3 kids makes that happen.

                              We took Emma to and
                              Gas, and 4 kids

