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Go Red!

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  • Go Red!

    This is going to sound like a public service announcement and maybe it should. I just spent the morning at a Go Red for Women function sponsored mostly by the Mayo Clinic and I think its very important information for the women on this board.

    Please visit:

    Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yes - it kills more women then breast cancer. Some of the stories told were amazing and more women need to be supporters of this cause. Please visit, have your numbers checked and share this with the women in your life! :mydoc:
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    THIS IS SOOO always amazes me how people can hear/read the fact, that heart disease is the #1 killer of women but it just doen't seem to sink in!

    Statistic from the AHA :
    About 480,000 women die of cardiovascular disease annually, more than the total number of cardiovascular disease-related deaths in men or the next four causes of death combined.


    • #3
      Thanks for posting this Cheri! Organizations like this are great and so important; the public needs to realize heart disease isn't just a disease that afflicts men.

      I didn't know there was a walk in my area for this - I'll have to sign up for it come the fall.


      • #4
        I went on the site and bought a jersey. I'm working on losing weight, and hopefully it will soon be a night shirt!

        Thanks for the info Cheri.


        • #5
          Oh, I meant to post something about this at the beginning of the month for 2/2 - Go Red day. Oops!

          I donate to this cause and it rocks. Definitely good information! Thanks Cheri!

