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Dirty scrubs in the house!

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  • #16
    What is really gross is when they wear dirty scrubs to the restaurants around the hospital. Clean scrubs don't bother me, but sometimes they look a little less than pristine. And I am trying to enjoy a meal! Yuck.

    My DH is pretty good about not wearing anything TOO disgusting (although his shoes have been really questionable on occasion--he has to keep them away from our son for sanitary reasons and he doesn't wear them through the house).

    What I think is pretty gross is his HAIR when he comes home, especially after a really long shift. He's been in a scrub cap for hours and hours and his hair gets completely greasy and matted. It's the world's most unattractive hat-hair.

    And yet another reason that "Grey's Anatomy" is completely ridiculous: in addition to always seeming perky and patient, that neurosurgeon always has amazing, thick, sexy clean hair, even after an all-night procedure.

    (If you can't tell, I HATE people saying, "Oh, your husband's a neurosurgeon? You have your own McDreamy!"

    Oh, yeah. Every day. It's JUST like on TV! My life is a glamorous soap opera. I can hear the lyrics to that sound by The Fray swelling up in our background right now.

    Am I ranting? I feel like I am ranting.


    • #17
      I am amazed. DH has been an attending in a Level 1 trauma ER for 6 years and never comes home with dirty or bloody scrubs. He rarely wears a lab coat. His shoes have spots occasionally but thats about it. I thinks he's a little too anal about cleanliness.


      • #18
        DH rarely comes home with really gross scrubs. He usually wears something over them (whitecoat or whatever) and that never makes it in. I do make him take scrubs off before giving him a hug or snuggling up on the couch. I also wash them separately on a hot cycle but they're usually mixed in the laundry bag. He does have a hospital pair of sneakers that I don't really care what happens to. I do hate finding foot covers in the car though.

        Once we move to a nice place, I want to have stricter rules though. I don't really care about our floors now and we don't have kids, but I need to slowly build him to a cleaner level.


        • #19
          The vet school used to wash them for me. This hospital doesn't...or so Russ says...I make him at least take off the scrub top. He's bad about it. I don't think he touches many people though. I can't wait for ophtho days...

          I try to view this time as immune-building...for me, him and Daegan....yeah, it's still gross!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #20
            I didn't read all the responses but my first reaction is "that's friggin' disgusting!".

            DH will very occasionally come home with a stain on his real clothing but that only happens if he was wearing his white coat with regular clothes underneath. He has days when he isn't in the OR so he will just wear normal clothes under his coat. When he comes home with blood, those clothes don't even get touched with my bare hands. They get thrown in the wash with hot water, disinfectant AND bleach.

            Blood can carry so many diseases. I don't want it in my house sitting around in the laundry bin where my cats love to sleep.


            • #21
              I'm pretty squeamish and have a strict rule the NO scrubs shall ever enter my domain
              No to coming in the house, no to touching them/him and big no to washing!!!
              Once in 2nd year DH's glasses looked dirty, I offered to clean them until I realized that what I was cleaning was some unknown person's blood...I ed on the spot...seriously!!! We made the agreement on the spot, should any blood not belonging to someone who I either married or gave brith to enter my house and I vomit HE has to clean it up..hee hee. DH can't handle vomit or mucus! It has never been an issue since.

