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What's for dinner?

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  • #16
    Green beans with olive oil, lemon juice, parmesean, and garlic
    Ciabatta rolls.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      A grilled portabella mushroom sandwich. Not as fancy as it sounds. Oh and a glass of wine.


      • #18
        tonight we will have:

        Lightly breaded chicken filets in parm and flour, cooked till golden brown. (people btw...stop over cooking your chicken)

        aspergas, (where is the spell check on this board?) and probably some fresh red potatos (mashed with skin on)

        will make a small amount of brocolli for the boy (only vegi he will eat)

        Wife will get up at 4:00pm (I HATE NIGHTFLOAT) eat and leave at 5, when I will clean up and proceed to eat 2 maybe 3 chocolate bars. (why I ran 6 miles this morning)

        then I will check here and see that there is nothing I can comment on and watch prison break even though wife wants me to tivo it and watch it with her.

        maybe one more chocolate bar.


        • #19
          I'm not sure what we're having. I forgot to put chicken in the fridge to thaw. So probably a vegetable and tuna stir fry with rice or beans and rice. We're fancy!!

          Lily, what's Pho?


          • #20
            Corner diner on the way to soccer practice. Hot dogs for two newly well kids...and a diet coke to go for Mom.
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #21
              Originally posted by *Lily*
              Since my stove and fridge are in the garage (DH is replacing the linoleum in the kitchen... ), we'll be having either Panera, Subway, or possibly Pho.
              Ooooh, I LOVE Pho. Pho is Vietnamese noodle soup. I made that a week ago. Tonight I am making grilled steak with angel hair pasta tossed in pesto and (boring) stir-fried broccoli. DH is golfing right now, but he promised to be home in time for dinner. Too bad for him if he isn't, steak just doesn't taste the same after its been sitting awhile.


              • #22
                I roasted a cornish game hen for lunch that was... okay.

                I also made asparagus and onions.

                Dinner....? Maybe chicken burgers? I don't know!


                • #23
                  We still have lots of leftovers from the dinner party on Sat, but DH has been eating them all weekend and will probably revolt today or tomorrow. I feel bad throwing out food and will try to dress them up and make him eat them at least once more.


                  • #24
                    I'll be reheating some veggie chili/stew I made last night. It's base is veggies, lentils and chick peas. It was the first time I attemped it and it turned out really good. DH is on night float so I packed him some of the stew for his late night dinner tonight, which he'll be eating tomorrow night too. Tomorrow I'll either make chickpea curry w/rice or easy lentil skillet w/noodles. If you can't tell, I love my peas and lentils.
                    Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                    • #25
                      I made homemade gnocci awhile ago (they're a bitch to make). I froze them and will will boil them tonight. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on them. Grill some asparagus and voila, a $120 meal for free. Sorry. I'm still bitter about the other night.
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by alison
                        I made homemade gnocci awhile ago (they're bitch to make). I froze them and will will boil them tonight. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on them. Grill some asparagus and voila, a $120 meal for free. Sorry. I'm still bitter about the other night.

                        I have a gnocchi recipe floating around here somewhere...thanks for the pep talk. I was planning on making a lot and freezing some.


                        • #27
                          I don't know what we're having, I was going to make Curry but maybe DH will cook since he's late.
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by cupcake
                            Originally posted by alison
                            I made homemade gnocci awhile ago (they're bitch to make). I froze them and will will boil them tonight. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on them. Grill some asparagus and voila, a $120 meal for free. Sorry. I'm still bitter about the other night.

                            I have a gnocchi recipe floating around here somewhere...thanks for the pep talk. I was planning on making a lot and freezing some.
                            The thing about gnocci is that they make me so full so fast. I eat a few and I feel like I can't eat anymore. I guess that's a good thing! My gnocci turned out ok. Just ok. The consistency is a bit odd, but we'll live. It's not runny eggs after all. :> If you find your recipe, post it!
                            married to an anesthesia attending


                            • #29
                              pasta with a Sherry-basil sauce (mmmm)
                              brussel sprouts

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                              • #30
                                Grilled veggie bacon burger with cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, red onions and mayo. Mmmm... :mmm:

