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my little monster story

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  • my little monster story

    Today we gave Laila a bath (see 'Proud Mama' thread for pictures). Mom asked me to get the mail, so as I walk out the door, wet Laila escapes like a bat outta hell. OH. NO. Me, in sandals (high heeled sandals- don't ask why I was wearing those in 30 degree weather), I run out after her. In the snow. Across lawns, streets, backyards, town.

    Laila is running towards cars. She wants to say hi! Cars are stopping in the road. People are getting out of their cars to help try to catch her. We tried to trick her. "Laila want a treat?" as I dangle my cocktail ring hoping she'll think it's a chewie. Oh but she's too smart, she just won't listen. She thinks it's a game! Oh what a fun one! My hands are numb, my toes are numb. I tried whistling, enticing her to play, but noooo. She just runs over to the next yard.

    Ok, this isn't fun anymore. After running through a good portion of town, everyone was getting a little tired. Except for Laila. She just got crazier. She's just too little, too fast.

    I had an idea.

    If Laila sees a slice of neon yellow American cheese, she will SO GO FOR IT! So this random guy smoking a cig on his front porch brings me some cheese....

    the bait works, but Laila won't come too close. She knows she'll get caught and she's having way too much fun! So we have to toss pieces AT her, but at least she's going for it and not running away. She starts to lick the cheese on the pavement, but runs away again.

    I give up. What more could I do?

    Suddenly, she comes back for more cheese! At this point there's a small crowd. Everyone is trying to catch this half frozen (remember she was just bathed), mud soaked little pup that NO one can catch.

    Three men are tossing bits of cheese at her...I sneak up behind her while she's distracted, tackle her down and grab her fur and I GOT HER!!

    That is, after running a 10K marathon through snow in heels on frostbitten toes with bits of cheese and one good tackle.

    That is my story and thanks for listening.

    :thud: :thud: :thud:

  • #2
    Don't you love dogs - chasing Molly around the neighborhood has probably never been that exciting, but its still a pain!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      I didn't realize this was a dog until you mentioned a chew toy.


      • #4
        Originally posted by diggitydot
        I didn't realize this was a dog until you mentioned a chew toy.
        LOL. :happyrolling:

        YES it's a dog....not a toddler or youngin of any sort!

