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Happy Easter!!!

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  • Happy Easter!!!

    Does anyone have big plans? We haven't found an easter egg hunt to go to yet but we have already died some eggs. I guess that we'll do a hunt around the house. Of course, the Easter bunny won't come to our house until at least after nap time because my dh has to round Sunday morning.

    We tried to explain the significance of the day to my two year old, but absolutely no comprehension whatsoever. I think that he will understand the chocolate, pennies, and sidewalk chalk in his basket, however.

    We are going to dinner at another "transplant's" house so we won't be alone. Does anyone have any good easter dessert recipes?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Happy Easter everyone...I can't believe that it's in March this year!!! We had a playdate this week at a friend's house and did the easter egg thing they came over here and we did an easter bunny craft. It just doesn't "feel" like easter this year (too much snow on the ground)!

    We don't have any special plans. Thomas has to work on Saturday and is "on call" on I think we'll end up playing it by ear. On another note though, I got a great deal on easter basket stuffs at our local second hand shop. For 1$, I got an easter basket, grass (new) and box of dye (new)...basically, I got it all for 5$ wooohoooo. I love making cool deals like that.

    Happy Easter!!

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!


    • #3
      Ooops--- I forgot to mention happy Passover to those of you who will be celebrating!

      Kris, you are the bargain huntress! I'm going to have to pick up some of your tips!


      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        My daughters' third birthday falls on Easter this year!!! I LOVE these built-in birthday themes my kids have (my son's b-day is halloween). So, Sat we're going to have a big b-day party with an Easter egg hunt (although it is supposed to rain We may be having that indoors - it's not as fun, though). Then, we'll go to church Easter morning, come home and have some sort of dinner with my in-laws (I haven't a clue what I'm cooking yet, but I might be experimental and do lamb). Anyway, busy, busy weekend!!!



        • #5
          Everyone has such fun plans!! Yeah!! Nothing too big here - we are going to the Easter service at our church and a couple from our small group invited us for afternoon lunch/dinner so that should be fun. My husband was going to be on call Sunday but he switched yesterday. . .wise man! I'm such a kid at heart that I'm hoping the bunny brings a little basket home on Sunday, too!

          I was thinking about making a dessert, too, Kelly. I have no idea, though. I was toying with the idea of making an apple clafoutis - something fruity for sure.


          • #6
            Happy Easter, Passover to everyone. We are headed to New York City for the weekend to visit my dad. He hasn't seen our baby yet so he is flying us in. We are excited because neither of us has been to Manhattan before. I doubt there will be any Easter celebrations, but we will be with family.



            • #7
              My sister was here from North Carolina. We celebrate both Passover and Easter!!! We were also in New York yesterday.

              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

