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Maximiser or Satisficer?

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  • #16
    I am a maximiser. Regarding the age question, I would guess that I am less so than I was 10 years ago. I identify with a lot of the maximiser statements above.

    I always order last.


    • #17
      Thanks, Stella and Lily. I'm way too sensitive these days. I should probably just lock myself away until the horomone storm dies down. As always, I blame DH.

      Have I mentioned today that he is still studying for oral boards?

      The stress part of the article was very interesting to me because I am a total stress kitten. I've been trying to beat that - of course, in my own enthusiastic perfectionist way. I hadn't really thought about the decision making element in it. I'm still stressing today about making the wrong decision for something in the class I taught yesterday. Things would have gone more smoothly if only I'd..... Things went fine, anyway. It's over now. Why can't I move on?? I need to learn to let these things go. I'm always trying to learn from each wrong decision to do better next time. As if it really matters. Extreme Maximiser, thy name is Angie. I may put that on my tomb stone.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18
        ETA: So far us older gals are all satisfiers, I wonder if the trend will continue.
        37 year old gal here that's a Satisficer.
        My DH is the poster child for Extreme Maximiser...honestly this is the guy that suffers from Analysis paralysis, except in his job...but all aspects outside of practicing cardiology, can be down right painful to tolerate. I can not tell you how many things we miss out on because of his over analyzing his choices....opposites attracted here that's for sure!


        • #19
          This is what I got:

          You are an Extreme Maximiser

          You always aim to make the best possible choice and boy do you take those choices seriously! But research has shown extreme maximisers have less life satisfaction, are less happy and are more likely to be depressed.


          I honestly can't tell what DH is. I'm going to have him take the quiz.


          • #20
            I'm extreme too. Think that's where the anxiety issues originated? It's funny but I'm a stress kitten too (sounds better when you say kitten, but I imagine it's more like tigress.)

            I wonder if OCD is related to this too?? Are you satisficers control freaks too?


            • #21
              Yep Stella, I can see the Maximizer-Anxiety connection. I have a hard time with uncertainty especially when it comes to life-altering things. I know it's crazy for me to say but sometimes I wish DH had done surgery; at least then he'd only have to apply once and we'd know we'd be living in the same place for 5-7 years. (Crazy talk right?!!) Applying for fellowship is so far from now but it's freaking me out to think about it. DH says I need to chill out but I don't know how. I'm a mess!!


              • #22
                Maybe we need a sub-support group for maximisers. :>


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Stella
                  Maybe we need a sub-support group for maximisers. :>
                  Good idea.


                  • #24
                    =As if it really matters. Extreme Maximiser, thy name is Angie. I may put that on my tomb stone.
                    Me too! Except my name is Jennifer. ITA with everything you have said about decisions Angie.

                    You are not alone.


                    • #25
                      You are a Satisficer

                      You aim for "good enough". An excess of choices are unlikely to bother you much because you make a decision early and move on.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #26
                        You are a Maximiser

                        You always aim to make the best possible choice. And your choices are objectively better than the choices made by satisficers - but watch out you don't take it to extremes.

                        Okay, I was all worried that I am a maximiser (even after buying a new house, I"m still on all the housing websites to make sure something better isn't out there), but this is a pretty complimentary description.
                        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!

