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Creativity on a daily basis

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  • Creativity on a daily basis

    If creativity is important to you, in what ways on a daily basis do you try to incorporate it? Do you like to do interior design, cook, make things for your kids, etc. Do you make creativity a priority? What activities do you find the most creative?

  • #2
    Does dinner count?

    I lead a sad, sad, SAD existence.
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      I like scrapbooking, that helps me get creative.

      And Yoga- I just love it!


      • #4
        My job (obviously ) lets me be creative alllll day long. I also do graphic/digital art, photography, drawing and painting, cooking, reading, scrapbooking, decorating, crafting, fashion, party planning, and writing for fun. Everything I do has be creative somehow. Otherwise I got bored!


        • #5
          I try to do new recipes at least once a week, but sometimes it stretches out to two. I bake.

          I also spend hours trying to come up with witty things to say on this message board. I know, you all thought everything I wrote was off the cuff.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vanquisher
            I try to do new recipes at least once a week, but sometimes it stretches out to two. I bake.

            I also spend hours trying to come up with witty things to say on this message board. I know, you all thought everything I wrote was off the cuff.
            Heidi - you crack me up!!
            Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


            • #7
              I think of projects to do, and plan them out in my brain and wait till I get a wee bit of time to do them, like once a month or more.... I too cook new recipes all the time, LOVE to try new things! Currently planning ideas for our new house.


              • #8
                Trying to make myself look not scary to other humans takes about an hour every morning. Keeping a designer wardrobe on a resident salary is also quite creative.


                • #9
                  Most of my time revolves around finding different inspirations for creativity. Having projects due for the design teams that I am on and publication submissions keeps the juices going. Working on projects around the house helps also. This changing season is helpful. I love getting my camera out and playing around with different settings.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ladybug

                    Today I found myself saying "why don't you see how far you can throw the nerf ball instead of trying to fit it into your brother's mouth!"

                    I think you go insane with two toddlers if you AREN'T creative.

                    Today we:
                    • made paper dolls
                      decorated a gift wrapping tube so the "little people" could slide down the pretend water slide
                      counted how many times we could jump in a row without falling down
                      played "Mary Poppins tidy up the nursery" which is code for cleaning up the playroom (we do it with the music though AND we use aprons so we FEEL like Mary )
                      read a million stories using different voices for EACH character
                      danced till we dropped to "Lets Go Crazy" by Prince
                      discussed the differences of how girls and boys pee
                      slid on the hardwoods like Tom Cruise in Risky Business
                      AND.....wondered outloud why it rains more where we used to live

                    Can I go to bed now???

                    For my adult brain I have been having a ball decorating this house! I am slowly experimenting with cooking, and actually EAT what I cook!

                    ....reading the list to bed. PHEW.

                    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                    • #11
                      I think getting us out the door every morning in semi suitable clothing counts.

                      I like to knit. I don't do it as often as I'd like because I'm exhausted. I have one section left to do onthis throw rug and I'm not going to redo it again. (I've taken it out like five times) so I have to wait until I'm fully awake. I have literally a foot and a half left and then I can put it together.

                      I find myself preferring to read catalogues at bedtime because I can only get through one page.




                      • #12
                        Um...I think that I use a lot of creativity just to keep the balance of kids, husband, residency, job, life going.

                        But I'm quite sure that this isn't what you were thinking about....

                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

