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  • KELLY!!!

    Happy Birthday, and let me just say that you have gotten a wonderful present this year!!! YOU are in Mexico basking in the sun and it is SNOWING here today!

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!

  • #2
    Wow!!! did Kelly get to go to Cancun, Mexico??? Regardless, I agree that is an awesome birthday present!!!

    Happy Birthday Kelly!! I hope you are enjoying your time in Mexico!!!


    Forever Friends


    • #3
      THANKS!!!! You guys are so sweet...I can't believe that I'm 29. I definitely want this year to last a very long time!

      Mexico was AWESOME. I bawled when I left Cade, but he did great. I called at 10 o'clock one night and he was still awake! He kept asking his grandparents where we were but was quickly diverted by outings to Chucky Cheese, McDonald's, and Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America.

      Meanwhile, my dh and I fell in love all over again. We went to see some Mayan ruins, went snorkeling, took a horse and buggy ride around the island of Cozumel, ate like kings, and relaxed out in the sun. The town of Playa del Carmen was absolutely darling and the Mexican people were very gracious. We may just make it through 7 more years of residency yet!

      Kind of a funny aside...Our hotel was frequented mostly by Europeans and consequently had a nude beach. We felt like dirty old men scoping out everyone!


      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Kelly, that is so wonderful that you had a great time with your husband!!! When we went to FL about 3 weeks ago, we left the boys at home, and it was difficult as well, but we needed our couple time and I'm glad we were able to be together.

        Dirty old men!! That's funny!!! We're going to Jamaica in August and we'll be seen nude beaches too... so, give me the scoop??? I'm kind of nervous about it!!



        • #5
          Happy belated birthday, Kelly!



          • #6
            Thanks for the warm thoughts! All I have to say about the experience is< ! Viva Mexico ! > I can't recommend the Mayan Riviera enough. And honestly, even though it was hard leaving our son behind, our marriage is soooo much stronger because of it.

            As far as the nude beach thing--it has the effect of making you feel good about your body. Seriously, we saw very few model types and many normal human beings. I must admit, after a year of breastfeeding and letting it all hang out during labor and delivery, I don't have too many hangups about people seeing my chest. My hubby, in his cute protective hubby way, was a little disconcerted by my exhibition. I think a little discomfort on his part is a good sign.

            Christy, Jamaica sounds AWESOME. Please tell us what you think. We would like to go somewhere warm next year. Will this be a family or couple vacation? Fess up!

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Well, all- it's 94 today so, come on down to San Antonio!



              • #8

                It is cool up here! I would rather be down there....but that is a constant for me.

                Kelly, I am so glad you had a good time. We felt the same way after we came back from Isla Mujeres -- also part of the Mayan Riviera. There was no nude sunbathing where we were, but there was an older lady who would go topless at the pool -- honestly, my only feeling about it was admiration of her confidence. I found it kind of beautiful in a way. I am glad you feel like your marriage has been strengthened -- we really did too. My husband has a meeting in Hawaii (the Armed Forces District of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) in October, and my mother-in-law is set to come down, so hopefully we have another getaway coming up. I will just have to get the baby weaned by then. It will be kind of expensive, especially since we have made the private school decision, but I know that the benefits will be worth it.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  Hey there Kelly!

                  Oh, it's definitely couple time! It's our second honeymoon so-to-speak! LOL!! Bob is taking me there during our 10th anniversary. I'm sooo excited!!! I'm not going nude though... haha! I'm hardly will go out in my swimming suit in front of others, so I know nude is out for me! heehee! You know what I mean? This will probably be the last trip we take for a long time, but we wanted to do this ever since our first honeymoon!!!! It was interesting to say the least!!

                  It's cool here too in PA. It's like 60 degrees at tops!


                  Forever Friends


                  • #10
                    True Story-

                    My beloved spouse and I have NEVER had a vacation by ourselves. My in-laws showed up at what was supposed to be our honeymoon (which was 7 months after we got married, as it was!) and the last vacations we have had have either been taken separately or with extraneous members of our families, usually mine!

                    We are going somewhere when he's finished with residency. I don't care where- but it's not going to be the place that we're moving to! I want to go some place where my bed is made every day and I don't have to cook. I want iced tea poolside and a margarita in the afternoon. I want a massage, a pedicure and a chance to learn to play golf or go horseback riding or something!

                    and I looked up at at the installations site and we could end up in some serious sh**holes so, I better get a vacation first!



                    • #11
                      Kelly- I am glad you had fun on your vacation. I know you had a wonderful time! I went to the same area for my honeymoon two years ago. It sounds like we stayed in similar places. We were at the Bahia Principe Tulum which had lots of Europeans guests. We went shopping in Playa Del Carmen, went snorkeling in Cozumel and visited ruins in Tulum and a water park called Xcel-ha (or something like that). It is a beautiful area. Where did you stay?



                      • #12
                        Jenn (jloreine),

                        I keep meaning to respond to your post!! Yep... I want you to be able to go somewhere special during or right after residency!! You both deserve it!! Now, why in the world did your in-laws show up at your honeymoon? I don't whether to laugh or cry... LOL!! How did you handle that? I would have just died if my in-laws did that!!!! I can barely tolerate them now... I can't imagine on my honeymoon!! heehee!


                        Forever Friends


                        • #13
                          I guess that I should clarify--topless for about 15 minutes. I'm VERY fair and I didn't want to get burned...there. . I lived in Australia for awhile during my teenage years and that culture helped me to put nudity into a different perspective.

                          Anyway, we stayed at the Grand Porto Real in the town of Playa del Carmen. We snorkeld at Xel-ha and is was absolutely gorgeous. I would give my eye teeth to go back. I saw kids jetskiing, swimming, skiing, etc. on the lakes this weekend and I got cold just looking at them. Seriously, we had ice on these lakes just 3 weeks ago! Brrrrr.....

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            Well, Kelly- as a redhead- I can sympathize about the complexion thing. It's definitely NOT modesty on my part- it's the sunburn on places that should never be sunburned concept that keeps me fully clothed. (and happy belated birthday!)

                            Christy- We went to Las Vegas and my in-laws live in Southern California. They just 'had' to see their precious son (read all of the posts and you'll understand why he's the 'special boy'). So- there's not much I could have done- I let them buy us expensive dinners.

                            So, the bottom line is- everyone cross your fingers that the Army doens't send us to Ft. Irwin, CA- that's only an hour and a half away from them. I can't even imagine.

