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Easter Plans?

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  • Easter Plans?

    Does anyone have fun plans for the easter weekend?

    My dad and stepmom are coming early this week and are staying through Easter....We havent' seen them since Zoe was a newborn, so I'm looking forward to it...and....I'm working on our neighborhood easter egg hunt for next Saturday as well....


    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    We're having friends from Med school over for an international Easter dinner Should be fun, I LOVE feeding people!


    • #3
      We are having Easter today because I will be driving across Nebraska and Wyoming on Easter. We are having ham, potatoes, and spinach salad. We did a hunt and Easter baskets.

      Next week I get to see my mom and dad. We will probably have a second Easter for the kids - color eggs. I will be visiting all the family and friends I can including Chad's grandfather. We just learned he has type M0 AML. He probably won't be around next year, and this will likely be the last time we see him. I am going to make sure to get pictures with the kids. I hope he is out of the hospital at least while I am there.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Nope. My stepmother sent some easter presents for the boys, and I'm probably going to pillage that for their baskets, then give them the rest of the stuff from her.

        We don't do the religious thing, and they need no more candy.


        • #5
          Nothing too much here, either. (For the exact reasons as JennP)

          Nikolai has an easter basket so I'll do something with it- I bought a tiny stuffed bunny and some plastic eggs that I'll fill with ever so exciting things like raisins and goldfish.

          We may have a hunt in the house, just the two of us. (My yard is a lake at the moment- hopefully it'll dry out by then).

          Obviously we're gearing it more towards a celebration of Spring kind of thing.

          ah, the perilous waters of the non-believers!



          • #6
            DH is off so Saturday we're going carpet shopping, Sunday we'll go to morning mass then have brunch afterwards. Nothing to Easter-ish really, other then mass.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              My final graduate school paper is due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                Well, since we do "the religious thing", we'll be attending services on Good Friday, Saturday (Easter Vigil) and Sunday morning ... there's an egg hunt at church after Sunday service. Then we're having about 15 people for dinner on Easter ... I overinvited, thinking most people would already have plans (!), but everyone said yes. So now I have to go out and buy a couple more plates! And chairs! Yikes! Where am I going to get more chairs! :horror:


                • #9
                  Honestly, I don't even know when Easter is. I thought it was today, but it looks like maybe it's next weekend based on the not-so-frantic threads.
                  married to an anesthesia attending


                  • #10
                    I've actually been in a tizzy about this very question. I grew up father was a typically we lived at church this week. I no longer believe church has an important place in my family's life...

                    So....would celebrating Easter with DS sort of be a sham? I mean really if you don't believe in all of the stuff Easter is celebrating, why would I encourage it? On the other hand, we could look at it as a spring celebration, but the Christian overtones are so strong!

                    I don't know. We will probably color eggs and do a hunt and then go to brunch. I will be filled with angst, while DH and DS slowly work themselves into a sugar coma.
                    Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gwendolyn
                      I've actually been in a tizzy about this very question. I grew up father was a typically we lived at church this week. I no longer believe church has an important place in my family's life...

                      So....would celebrating Easter with DS sort of be a sham? I mean really if you don't believe in all of the stuff Easter is celebrating, why would I encourage it? On the other hand, we could look at it as a spring celebration, but the Christian overtones are so strong!

                      I don't know. We will probably color eggs and do a hunt and then go to brunch. I will be filled with angst, while DH and DS slowly work themselves into a sugar coma.
                      I live a completely secular life, but I still celebrate holidays. It is fun for my kids and for me to give them things. We celebrate in nonreligious ways. We color eggs, have an egg hunt, eat dinner together as a family, etc. I don't consider this to be a sham at all. It is quality family time and happy memories.
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gwendolyn
                        So....would celebrating Easter with DS sort of be a sham? I mean really if you don't believe in all of the stuff Easter is celebrating, why would I encourage it? On the other hand, we could look at it as a spring celebration, but the Christian overtones are so strong
                        I've had the same battle in my head, which is why I do it really low-key. I don't want to see my kids left out of the bounty (which here in the Bible belt is really a big deal), but I also don't want to act as though we believe / practice something we don't. I do Christmas from a purely traditional place, and so I figure I can do Easter the same. After all, what do a bunny, eggs, and candy in a basket REALLY have to do w/the resurrection of Christ anyway??


                        • #13
                          You know we battle this in my job EVERY year, someone complains because we call our bunny the Spring Bunny instead of the Easter Bunny or vice versa. We also battle it at Christmas because we call our gift tree a Sharing Tree, not a Christmas Tree.

                          Yes, Santa Claus is based off of St. Nicholas but I agree that you can celebrate a lot of holidays that may have started out from a religious tradition without have a religious aspect to them.
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Genivieve
                            After all, what do a bunny, eggs, and candy in a basket REALLY have to do w/the resurrection of Christ anyway??
                            I think I have mentioned this here before. The father of a high school friend was a minister. Around Easter, my friend's 7 year old sister drew a picture for the holidays -- the Easter Bunny on a cross.

                            I think a lot of the symbolism goes with spring and the idea of new life, fresh start, etc.

                            We're going to decorate eggs, do an egg hunt, probably go to church and have MIL over for brunch. Whether we take MIL to church is a whole nuther ball of wax. She will want to go but I don't know if I want to hear her gripe about the church for the rest of the day.


                            • #15
                              We are going to church and then having the Easter celebrations with SO's family. They always have a big early supper, an egg hung (for us too! haha) and baskets. It's always a lot of fun. I got SO stuff for a basket too.

