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I missed the meeting with "They"...

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  • I missed the meeting with "They"...

    Have you ever had times when you feel like everyone in the world knows a bunch of random information that you somehow lost out on??

    You know what "they" say...
    Well, "they" say that...

    Okay, who are these people, and how did I miss all of this information?? Here are a few examples:

    Home ownership...

    A few weeks ago I heard water splashing in our basement and walked in to find that there was a random pipe that started at the top of the water heater and just ended on the side, not draining into anything. Water was just pouring out of this pipe onto the ground. There was a little 'flip' knobby type of thing on the pipe, but flipping it up or down did nothing to stop the flow. After running around, finding buckets, etc, and calling the plumber, hubby shut off the water, so we just mopped up water and waited for the plumber. When he came, he said that most older water heaters (our house is very old!) will get setimant build up and they can get caught up in that little flip thing (the 'exhaust' valve), and let water just drain randomly. Hey said, "They say you should flip the valve up once a year to make sure the sediment doesn't build up".

    Who is "they" and why didn't they tell us this when we first moved in??

    Next example: when first moving to MN, it was my first experience with water softeners. We were told that the original owners put in a 'fabulous' water softener, so our water would be great. Fast forward a year, and I'm not feeling the 'effects' of the 'great' water. Our dishes all have a white yucky film on them, and when I was complaining to a friend, she asked, 'is your water softener broken'? When I got out the book for the water softener, I saw that part in it that said (in big bold letters), "DON'T LET THE SALT TANK RUN EMPTY" Salt tank? Empty? I looked around and found a big barrel, opened the lid, sure enough... EMPTY. Oh, so THAT'S what all of the huge piles of rock salt are doing in all of the stores around here! (I am really NOT that air-heady, but when we first moved here I thought, wow - winters must get really brutal to go through that much rock salt on driveways/roads, or they sure do make a lot of home-made ice cream ).

    Again, I missed that 'they' memmo.

    Last example (I promise!!)... Plant ownership....

    So, I'm sitting in church on Sunday and the teacher is giving a really nice Easter lesson. She gives some example using watering plants (I even forgot how this example pertained to Easter, I got caught up in the difference of water), she had two plants and mentioned that they had been watered with different types of water. She said one (that was thriving) was fed with 'natural/pure' water, and then said, "You know how they say here in MN with all of the water softneners, you shouldn't water your plants with all of that salt water..." and went on to show the 'salt water' plant, which was... not thriving... and resembling very closely my not-so-thriving plants in my house (which, for the past two years have been watered with 'salt' water!!). .

    Okay, so all of you who made it to the "they" meetings, what random facts do I need to know before my house falls down???


  • #2
    Jen, I feel you pain - DH and I still forget about our water softener after three years.

    I don't know where these "they" meetings are though...
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Oh man...being first time or new home owners, in a region that is very different, than where you come from, can really throw you for a loop! I sware there needs to be a home owners giude for dummies probably is for every region of the US...the things we have learned the hard way... oy!

      Well at least now you can start having cleaner dishes, better cleansing of the laundry, softer skin and hair after showers!!! It all about learning isn't it...sometimes the hard way!


      • #4
        Yes, I think that there needs to be a mandatory basic home ownership class. I, for one, could have used it.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Yes, I think that there needs to be a mandatory basic home ownership class. I, for one, could have used it.
          Me too! I learned a lot of things the hard way, which is probably how "They" learned all the stuff you keep hearing. I am now shameless when we have repair people at our house....I pepper them with questions about what brands they recommend, how long they expect product x to last, what maintenance is necessary to keep it working well, etc.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            I'm trying to find "they" also. And, if anyone has that homeowners guide for Ohio homes - please pass it on.

            Our house here (in MN) has no sump pump, which I had never heard of. I'm from Chicago - I thought everyone had one! In Ohio, we have one, but our realtor told us to look at getting a back-up.

            Also, no drain in the garage. Where does the water go in the winter when the snow melts off of the car?

            Also, a whole house humidifier and/or dehumidifier? Who gets one and in what regions?

            As an aside, my 94 year old Grandmother-in-law has another version of "they", but it's "my people." Not as in her generation, friends, etc, because when you ask her, she can't define who "my people" are.
            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


            • #7
              Oh yes, and apparently, it is not uncommon to have to get up on your roof to shunt snow off to prevent ice damns in the winter. Ah, that might have been helpful to know.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                I don't think I'll be ever bying a house now.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pollyanna
                  Okay, it's out now, I'm "they" and to be honest, I just make most of this crap up. :>

                  I think there are geographical "theys".

                  Moss can grow on a roof? A French drain isn't a euphemism for something more interesting than a way to remove excess water from the backyard?


                  • #10
                    I think there are geographical "theys".
           poisonus Bark scorpions in your HOME or Tara having to drive over rattlers in her driveway!!??

