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  • #16
    Originally posted by Genivieve
    Vishenka - is today your wedding anniversary? Or did you get married on the 13th of another month?
    We got married on April 13th, 4 years ago. Back then it was a Sunday.


    • #17
      Happy anniversary! :stars:
      IM PGY-2


      • #18
        Congrats Julie!

        Счастливая Годовщина!

        let me know what the above says...hopefully I did it right!


        • #19
          Ok so only one seems superstitious about the 13th!

          What else? You guys have to have some superstitions about something.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #20
            Friday the 13th is ok. I don't really get freaked out by it, but I am totally superstitious. I always sit in the same general area of the plane. I hate flying. Your front door can't run into your back door because all the good luck will come straight in then leave out the back. There are so many little things. I openly admit that I am a weirdo.

            Happy Anniversary to Vishenka!!! :stars: Hope you get to do something fabulous with your honey.


            • #21
              Originally posted by pinkpickles
              Congrats Julie!

              Счастливая Годовщина!

              let me know what the above says...hopefully I did it right!
              That says Happy Anniversary, you did it right.

              Thank you everyone. We're going to dinner tonight and hopefully getting lucky after.


              • #22
                Congratulations again, here! I posted somewhere else too!

                I am not scared to fly on the 13th. I'm a bit more wary about Sept. 11, and have flown on the 12th of Sept to avoid flying on the 11th.

                For once, it's a gorgeous day!
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #23
                  Most of my supersticions are old Russian/Jewish ones. I always scream at DH for pointing his patients' problems on himself or saying things like "My head hurts, it must be cancer."

                  On the other hand, when our black cat broke a mirror, I wasn't bothered at all. But told DH to make sure he doesn't look in it when throwing it out.


                  • #24
                    I won't walk under ladders, but I think that is mostly out of concern for something falling on my head! Not supersticious at all really.

                    Happy Anniversary Vishenka


                    • #25
                      Payday here also and it's a bright and sunny day here in central Ohio!!


                      • #26
                        I love Friday the 13th! And like Cheri and Flynn, my jersey number was always 13!!

                        Common Superstitions: Spilled Salt.

                        The only ones I really believe in are cooking related...


                        • #27
                          Common Superstitions: Spilled Salt.
                          Me too! Also, never pass a salt shaker to someone at the table, put it down and let them pick it up, never hand to hand (I don't know why!!!!!).
                          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                          • #28
                            I was born on Friday the 13th - so it's my lucky day!
                            DH has a ton of superstitions. Can't ask him if he thinks he'll have a busy night at work (I don't know if this is common in other specialties, but tons of EPs think that by asking if they'll be busy somehow brings more patients in). He worked in firefighting/EMS before med school, and they have the same superstition there.
                            His family's the same way, so you can't even mention the possibility of something bad happening - they believe it will come true! It took me a long time to shut myself up about things they would be superstitious about.
                            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                            • #29
                              I'm that way about "jinxing" a good thing. I choose not to think of it as superstition, but a way of being grateful for good karma. I'm weird. I generally won't comment on, say, our track record for ED visits w/the kids, safety, or health status. I generally think no news is good news.

