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Instant large family

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  • Instant large family

    Okay, I'm starting to panic. My sister has moved in with us and her 3 children will be here for the entire summer (gulp), or until she finds her own place. Our family will double instantly! I'd be fine with it I think, but DH is starting to show signs of stress. (and they kids are not even here yet!)

    Any advice from those of you who manage large households (or anyone who has some good ideas) as to things I should prepare for? We are not 'social' people, so this change will have a huge impact on our family. Right now I'm trying to plan for DH's 'personal space' primarily in the evening. I would imagine that scheduling certain activities at certain times is going to be critical, but how do you manage the different needs/interests of each kid?

    I can figure out a schedule, but I also know from previous experience with my sister's kids that they usually have their own agendas; theory often fades in the face of reality. Damn kids always ruin my great ideas...



  • #2
    Ack! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on your sister's situation. I'm sorry to hear things are still looking like a move to MT is ahead.

    Is your house big enough that they can have their own "space" (set of bedrooms). If we were in that situation, we'd probably surrender the basement with it's "bedroom", living area and full bath - just to allow for some *family* space.

    What are the ages of her kids? I know the dudes are 3 (right?).

    Best of luck to all of you.


    • #3
      No worries, Jenn. I think Steph found a pit-bull to represent her child custody case.

      Anyhoo, childwise we will have in the house:
      boy: 14
      girl: 8 (otherwise know as )
      girl: 5
      boy: 3
      boy: 3

      I've got the kids into as many activities as humanly possible. Although that could lead to my downfall... Ugh.


      • #4
        no advice, just big hugs. you're a great sister! good luck with all the kiddos. i hope everyone falls into a nice easy going routine.
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Originally posted by Entropy
          No worries, Jenn. I think Steph found a pit-bull to represent her child custody case.

          Anyhoo, childwise we will have in the house:
          boy: 14
          girl: 8 (otherwise know as )
          girl: 5
          boy: 3
          boy: 3

          I've got the kids into as many activities as humanly possible. Although that could lead to my downfall... Ugh.
          oh dear.

