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Alec Baldwin

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  • Alec Baldwin

    Has anyone heard/seen the transcipt of Alec Baldwin's completely insane voicemail message to his prepubescent-aged daughter? What a psycho! Seriously. No matter how bad things get between you and your ex, and no matter how disrespectful a middle schooler gets, who in the world speaks like that (or THINKS like that)?! Holy cow.

  • #2
    and he's managed to convince the whole world that Kim Basinger was the nutty one.



    • #3
      Yet another CRAZY....and I heard one media report talking about how trying kids that age can be (I agree 100% ) but she WASN"T EVEN ON THE can she be THAT annoying!!! IMO that equates child abuse.


      • #4
        Disgusting...just disgusting!


        • #5
          I hate to even comment, he sounded deranged, but we don't know the whole story. When I think about some of the arguments I had with the girls when they were in high school I cringe. If you think a toddler can push your buttons, just wait. In divorce situations I have aways said there are three sides, his version, her version, and reality. I have to add a fourth, the kid's version.
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            his prepubescent-aged daughter?
            She's like what 11??!!

            The real prob here is that he is a f@#$&% idiot to record himself...
            I appreciate your mentioning that there are multiple sides to these situations, but still he is the adult...the onus is on him to behave like one, she's the child, living through a nasty public divorce and being used as a pawn sort of have to expect a kid to be a major PITA if your gonna put them through that ie you reap what you sow when it comes to kids in these matters(I agree Teens are a whole other ball of wax)!
            Jeesh! grow some thicker skin daddy O and take a chill pill while your @ it! What a PR / PI nightmare for him!


            • #7
     daughter is about to turn would be surprised at how she can push buttons. I agree he was over the top, but....sadly...I can understand him. I feel ashamed about some of the arguments I have ended up having with my daughter and I'd be mortified if someone got a transcript of them.

              I guess we have to understand that there is a greater context here and we don't have all of the background.

              I know that I'm the adult (most of the time :> ) but I have been reduced to nastiness from time-to-time and it is just the shameful truth.

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Wow though...I just listened to the transcript...and it is scarey. It actually sounds like he is threatening her. If I were that little girl, I would run away from home before he comes.

                I read the transcript and it didn't seem as bad, but hearing it. It made my adrenaline go up.

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  I read the transcript and it didn't seem as bad, but hearing it. It made my adrenaline go up.
                  Me too Kris!
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    Me too. I still haven't heard it (and wasn't it a voicemail that was released?). Reading the transcript it sounds bad and way over the top but as Luanne said, I thought about having teens....I don't have much tolerance now for bratty or rude behavior.


                    • #11
                      It does sound worse, IS amazing how adult mommy can turn to crazy mommy when her tween is sassy, rude, refuses to go to her room and then utters the B**** word to mommy's face...

                      It wasn't pretty...and it hasn't happened again...but that might be because I nearly pulled a baldwin....
                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        I know that I'm the adult (most of the time :> ) but I have been reduced to nastiness from time-to-time and it is just the shameful truth.


                        My toddler once began to throw a fit while in the grocery cart. I was distracted trying to shop and, at first, it didn't even really register with me (until other patrons started to I'd done something wrong to create this!). When the situation became unbearable, I looked at him and in a really loud, firm, unsympathetic voice said, "Look, I don't know what you're so distressed about, but I also don't care. So be quiet or be sorry." I must have sounded REALLY nasty. I didn't think I'd been menacing about it, but other moms pulled their kids closer to them and the whole aisle emptied out. I guess we all say things that make us look terrible!

                        Not that this excuses my behavior, but he did stop crying and was quiet the rest of the shopping trip! So I ended up not feeling all that badly (which probably makes the whole thing even more reprehensible!).


                        • #13
                          Oh Kris I am sooo on the same page w/ you, in that sadly I too, have digressed and I too feel remorseful after some of my verbal out bursts...and mine are so young !

                          I actually heard it (the voice mail)the day the story broke and believe me I am like you, once you hear it , it is quite disturbing in the threatening , nasty nature of it.


                          • #14
                            I just listened to it. It is different hearing it versus reading excerpts. I can certainly see how that would make him angry (from the angle that he presented) but he's getting mad at the wrong person (again, taking it from his interpretation).

                            What a mess.


                            • #15
                              It IS a good reminder to all of us when we lose our temper to think about how we sound.

                              I remember once when I was pg with Aidan and living in our old neighborhood...I hadn't had much sleep for several weeks and I was very short on patience. DH pushed all of my buttons and so did the kids. I just totally lost it. This is a super, duper rare occurence on my part, but I was just screaming and yelling

                              It turns out, the windows were open

                              I had my temper tantrum where everyone basically stood and stared at me dh included. :huh: I was really a total wack job and if I could take that moment back, I would....

                              but I was embarassed to go outside for days.

                              See..I can be crazy neigbhor too. :>

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

