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Dealing with Exhaustion...

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  • Dealing with Exhaustion... summer has arrived and instead of feeling energized, I'm totally and completely WIPED OUT! For about two weeks now, I've been so drained that by 2pm I've just had it..I feel like I could go to bed and sleep the entire rest of the day away!

    Any suggestions on getting back on my feet here? I am sooo tired all of the time!

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
    Douglas Adams

  • #2
    How about a pregnancy test???

    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Hahahaha...NOT a possibility, I promise! Thomas and I talked about it last night because I'm so tired that I don't even have the energy to really focus on dinner, etc...By 5pm, I am toast.

      I think I'm just not getting enough sleep....which leads to me drinking a lot of caffeine during the day, which results in me not being able to fall asleep, etc etc. Towards the end of the year, the kids were crawling in our beds with us every night with their elbows poking, etc, etc. ..and I think that I've slept really poorly...

      So...the plan is that Thomas is going to help more with the kids in the evening, they're going to have to stay out of our bed, and he's going to let me sleep in on some weekend days....I think I'm just pooped from getting the kids to the busstop every day by 7.03 am...and from not being able to 'catch up' on the weekends...

      In any case, I've got to get some more sleep and cut back on my caffeine. We went for a long walk last night too...I didn't think that I could even go when we started, but by the end, I felt really I guess I'll add in exercise more too.

      "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
      Douglas Adams


      • #4
        Kris - I've been feeling similarly tired, and had the same fear of pregnancy! After a panic attack I found out I'm not pregnant (whew!) but am anemic. So I'm taking ferrous sulfate, which is otc and not even too hard to swallow. Who knows if it will help, but maybe this is a factor for you? I blame it on switching to full-time at-home mom status, which is utterly exhausting!! I'm doing some contract work from home, but not managing more than about 6 hours a week. True, the family's less stressed, but I'm about ready to head back to work outside the home, where you can at least take a coffee break now and then!

        I'm glad you're planning some steps to help sleep-wise, too. The exercise really helps. Even a 30 minute yoga video (or class, if you can get away for one) can make you feel worlds better. I know a couple of good ones if you want recommendataions....



        • #5
          Kaaren, it's great to see you again!!! I haven't talked to you in ages, maybe even a year!! Yikes!! I hope you are doing well. I would love to hear your recommendations on Yoga videos. I started Yoga about mid-January off and on, and when I do it, it does make me feel a ton better and more relaxed!!

          C~ya later,


