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Great Weekend!

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  • Great Weekend!

    We had the best day Sunday...Andrew's teacher invited us out to her home on a nearby lake. She and her husband own some resort cabins and we all set up in one of was a gorgeous, gorgeous day...the kids got to swim in the lake and then we all went out on the boat and went fishing (lots of fun!)...we cooked fish (not the ones we caught..we let those go) and just had a wonderful time....

    We've discovered something wonderful about MN...all of the lakes!!!! Thomas is off for 5 days next week/weekend and we are going to head out to some of the national parks to hike and have our new goal is to get a little shack on a lake somewhere

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
    Douglas Adams
    Edited by: kmmath  at: 6/25/02 9:14:36 am

  • #2
    Sounds beautiful! We're now in the opressive heat and humidity. Remember how jealous you guys were back in February? Well, now I'm paying for it. We're hitting close to 100 almost every day now and the LOWs are the upper 70's. So, there you have it. Our three seasons of outdoor play are the three other than summer!



    • #3
      Jenn-- I guess that we all have to take unbearable weather at some point. It is widely known that I will never be on the Minnesota Board of Tourism, but the summers are truly amazing here. We spend the entire day outside playing and fall dead asleep at night with exhaustion. Truly, the summers ALMOST make the winters worth living here. (ummm....what delusion am I under?)

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Ok- All of us here in Texas will come stay with you guys in Minnesota in the summer and you guys can come here in the dead of winter. deal?


        • #5
          I would absolutely love to be a MN/TX snowbird!

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Sounds like a movie set, Kris! I'm so happy that you all are getting to spend some quality, fun time! Unfortunately, I must say that I am very envious. We, too, are experiencing some nauseating 100 degree temperatures which make outside activities virtually impossible before 5pm. But I can sure live vicariously through you!


            • #7
              Well, live vicariously through me now...but I'm with Kelly...I could do the MN/TX snowbird thing too!!!!! We also are just NOW getting nice, warm weather....for quite a while it's been too cool for shorts....or if it was warm, there have been thunderstorms!

              One thing's for sure, I've definately decided that I MUST have my own little shack on a lake somewhere I'm setting it as a goal.....It doesn't have to be big or expensive...gosh, I'll even build it myself (If I ever finish stripping that blasted table )

              "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
              Douglas Adams

