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Day from Hell

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  • Day from Hell

    Yesterday was the worst. (now, keep this in perspective- it wasn't tragic, just horrible)

    My husband woke up late and missed morning report- a great way to start 3rd year. then in the pouring rain he accidently hit and killed one of the kittens that has been hanging out on the porch ( poor guy- he was just standing in the rain, tears streaming...) meanwhile, while I was dealing with the cat and the remaining kittens, the dog decided to do his business on the bedroom rug. (he doesn't like the rain, either) By the time he got to the hospital he had missed the class picture.

    all in all it just sucked. so I brought in mama kitty and the 3 kittens and they are now living in his office. Which brings the grand total of cats to my house now....drumroll...7. They are NOT going to be permanent residents though. My vet will take them and give them away. I'll get mama kitty spayed and she can still be our outdoor kitty. although she seems to have adjusted to this indoor kitty lifestyle rather quickly.


  • #2
    Jenn - What a rotten day. Your poor hubby. Not the way you want to start the third year. Your home is turning into an animal sanctuary!!!

    This weather here is incredible! I am perfectly content to stay in the house and watch the rain pour down. My power has gone out twice! On Saturday when it first started raining a truck passed us going way too fast, hit his brakes and slid into a guardrail. The guardrail launched him. It was incredible to watch this huge truck fly so high in the air and then land on its side. My husband, being the first at the scene, tried to get the door open and couldn't. But .. the guy was fine, he still had his cigarette in his hand. His truck is history though. Then while Russ was helping him a van from the other direction was trying to slow down to turn and the car behind them slammed into them. This place is DANGEROUS! I felt like we were watching a movie! My kids had to write all their friends to tell them about it.

    Anyway... Jenn, I hope his day got better. Drive safe!



    • #3

      I should have warned you about San Antonio drivers in the rain. they act like their SUVs and pick-up trucks are impervious to the slick streets. I just watched one of the Army Life Flight helicopters land near my office. I'm leaving early today- I am not getting stuck in traffic or hit by someone who is too stupid to realize that it's ok to slow down in the rain.



      • #4
        It has been an experience all right! I am perfectly content to stay in my house for awhile. I don't know my way around well yet and my luck, I would be on the news with my van floating down a wash!!! So ... is this normal weather here?



        • #5
          You two are bringing back memories....

          When we got to San Antonio 5 years ago, we had heard that it "never" rained there. However, we kept experiencing torrential rains, like y'all are having now. There was a new intern picnic at BAMC on the front yard of the general's house, and they had to quickly erect tents to eat under -- there was so much rain that the tents kept collapsing under the weight of the water (and all of these nervous interns kept getting doused -- I have to admit it was funny! ) And 15 months later was the famous flood -- something like 22 inches of rain fell in 24 hours. It was kind of scary.

          Trust me Robin, you will grow to miss the sound of rain once again -- this is NOT normal! I remember missing the smell of a rainstorm while I lived down there. And Jenn is right about people not knowing how to drive when the roads are wet -- I had numerous near misses when I was there and a couple of times was late for pre-school pick up because the highway was backed up, usually due to some idiot going too fast in the rain.

          Jenn, I really feel for you and your husband about the cats. We had 5 cats at one point when we were there. I am a sucker for them. We're down to three now, but I think I have passed the sucker gene to my son, because he swears there is a cat in the neighborhood that is "lost". Luckily, my husband is not such a sucker, or we would be overrun. He says that if anything ever happens to him, he is afraid I will become a crazy old woman with a piano and tons of cats -- it could happen! I can think of worse fates.

          Anyway, stay safe in all of the rain, you two! I miss San Antonio still, even with all of the bad drivers!

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            Oh how awful for your husband...and he missed the class picture too? What an awful day!!! I hope that things got better for him as the day went on...days like that you sometimes think you should just crawl back into bed and start over the next day

            Texas drivers are the worst! (I used to be one of them ) I have to say that although Florida drivers took a close second, drivers in TX still have my vote. If we had a freeze or some ice (it did happen) people would be literally flying right off of the highway...:/

            Sounds like you guys are already having some Texas-sized adventures!

            "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
            Douglas Adams


            • #7
              Jenn, I am so sorry to hear of you and your husband's rotten day. I have great news through. My brother-in-law does know your friend and I just sent you an email about it. I hope this brightens up your day a little.

              Your Friend,



              • #8
                Thanks for the good thoughts.

                We're hainvg fun with the kittens although Rick's office smells a wee bit like a latrine! Oh well, we just had screens installed on the windows today so every window in the house is open!

                We've recovered from the horribleness of the day. His boss was very understanding and she seemed to 'get' why he was upset.

                But the holiday has started- we're off to meet up with some of his co-workers who are leaving for a new assignment this weekend.



                • #9
                  Jenn- Glad you today was better and hope you have a good weekend to make up for it.



                  • #10

                    I'm sorry to here about your horrible day. Thank goodness your husband isn't a first year. Now that would have looked worse!


