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I'm Back!

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  • I'm Back!

    Hi Everyone!

    Well ... hopefully I will be on-line more now that we are getting settled here in San Antonio. Life has been absolutely nuts to say the least. We had the nightmare road trip in many ways. The moving truck wouldn't go above 35 mph until the air conditioner broke, and we then could get up to 50 mph. There was black smoke billowing out of the truck all the way and we ended up getting diesel on all our boxes and even inside the car we were towing with all my clothes hanging in it! UGH! We were very blessed though because we made it to our new home before both the water pump and the fuel pump busted! We are finding out today how much of a refund we get from the truck. My DH thinks they should pay us for even driving the darn thing! BUT... even though the truck was a disaster, my 4 kids and the dog were absolute angels. That is a serious miracle in itself. Our trip was so much longer with how slow the truck was but they never complained. It made a bad situation bearable.

    The good news was that we finally sold our house in Arizona. We got two offers on the day we were loading the moving truck and we stayed an extra day to make the counter offers and accept the best offer. It will be great on July 22nd to close on the house there and have that behind us.

    We are loving our new home. We went from 1463 sq feet to 2100 sq feet! This house is only a year old. It is on a cul-de-sac so that my kids can play out front without worrying too much about them and we have a hot tub in the backyard, which we think is pretty babyproof! We are going to add some extra locks though just to make sure. We are finally getting things in place. I still have a bunch of boxes in the garage but I am just not in the mood to empty any more right now. I think I will be hitting garage sales and thrift stores trying to find some furniture. We have never had a kitchen and dining room or a living and family room so it looks empty in some places. It is nice to finally be here. It has been raining for a straight three days and after living in Arizona for four years, I love it. I am enjoying listening to the thunder and hearing the rain fall. I didn't realize how much I missed the rain (I did grow up in Oregon!)

    Anyway... hope everyone else is doing well and transitioning with the new year. Russ had his first day yesterday and it was a good start. He is starting with the pediatric ward, which should be a good way to break him in. He is on call every fourth day, of course, it would have to start on 4th of July! BUT... we can't complain.

    It is good to be settling down and feeling like my life is getting back to normal. I have missed hearing how all of you are doing.


  • #2
    The boys made it through the move in good spirits? That is great!!! How was it traveling with the four of them, a dog and a truck that was billowing black smoke? should win an award!!!!!!!!!

    I hope the rental company will reimburse you for your costs. That is just awful.

    I'm so glad that your house sold...I bet that was a real relief to you guys! Congrats on the bigger home and cul-de-sac! We are living in a cul-de-sac now too, and it is so nice to be able to let the kids go out into the front to play w/o worrying about the traffic.

    Re: furniture, etc...I know this is going to sound really weird, but have you gone to Good Will (Salvation Army Shop)....I am seriously addicted to this place. They have a lot of great stuff (at least at the one near us) including furniture, lamps, etc etc. We bought two really nice matching wing chairs for the living room for under $20 and a sofa for the kid's play room for $6 (OK..the sofa isn't the greatest, but it does the trick). I've found some nice dishes there, etc...I really love to go and browse. They also have a lot of things from stores like Target where the box has been opened or the item is missing some screws that they get rid of...

    It's like going to a garage sale on your time

    I hope Russ ends up settling in and enjoying the residency...and that you settle in to q4

    It's nice to have you back...I've been wondering how things were going for you with the move.

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
    Douglas Adams


    • #3
      Hi Robin!!

      I am so glad you are getting settled in. It sounds like a very nice home for you and your family. Hot tub sounds especially nice!! Look forward to hearing how your unpacking is going!




      • #4
        ooooh, robin! a hot tub in your backyard! are you living in a resort? i'm so happy that you all made it to your new home safely AND in good spirits! hope the transition to Q4 is nice!


        • #5
          Welcome Neighbor!

          If you need anything, email me and I'll give you my numbers. Or even if you don't need anything other than a friendly voice! Hopefully this rain will stop- but then we'll go right back to 90 degrees and too much sun. My bushes are growing like you would expect from living in a tropical rainforest!

          If you have any questions, just give me 'a holler'. (as opposed to a 'waller' which is apparently the thing that pigs live in)



          • #6
            Welcome back! I'm glad you made it there in one piece.

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7

              It really is great to hear from you. Congrats on having survived one of the more stressful events in life. Your new digs sound fabulous! I'm sorry to hear about the stress of the move, but take some small measure of solace in the fact that you will tell this story for years to come.

              Welcome back and best of luck starting your new program.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Robin- Congrats on your move, selling your home and making it to San Antonio in one piece. Sounds like quite the trip!

                When are you having us all over for a hot tub party?



                • #9
                  Robin,It sounds like a memory making trip!!!! You should write in a journal so that you and your husband can look bak on it in a few years. Best of luck to you. I agree with Kris about the thrift store.

                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    Hey Robin-

                    Go check out the Goodwills- they hire my clients!!!



                    • #11
                      Thanks for the well wishes. I am going to get it all written down in a journal soon. It was quite the adventure.

                      The hot tub is nice but ... it really isn't very relaxing with four boys in it at the same time!! I have to get them in bed earlier!!!! Come on over anytime! Hopefully it won't RAIN!

                      I hit Texas Thrift Store yesterday without much success. I will try Goodwill when I get over there. It is a little bit farther away from me. I will check it out though. I did come home with a couple of books for the kids that they love and it cost me a whole 55 cents! My poor walls are bare so I have to figure out what to put on them! I may try some garage sales this weekend too.



                      • #12
                        Well, I was going to suggest garage sales too. I had only been in goodwill before in PA and it wasn't very nice. We have a really, really nice one here....too bad you didn't move to MN

                        You and Jenn have to meet each least once just to have a face to put to the name/conversations. Really....I hope that you both will meet for coffe sometime...(and maybe you can hit Jenn up for some babysitting )

                        "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
                        Douglas Adams

