Originally posted by MD/PhD Wife
And the whole McDreamy thing is a totally TV thing. Three words: SCRUB HAT HAIR. Somehow, that guy on TV appears after a twelve-hour procedure under hot lights and a scrub cap pressed to his temples by his loupes and yet he has ungreasy, perfectly tousled hair. Uh huh. I don't think so! Plus, that guy always appears after surgery then stands around flirting for a half-hour with his girlfriend. After twelve hours of surgery? Again, don't think so! Those guys don't get to pee unless they scrub out (considered a personal physical failure, I think). The first place they'd go is to the bathroom, I'd bet.
Seriously, this is an almost verbatim quote from my DH one day: "I haven't peed in 12 hours. But then, I also haven't had anything to drink or eat since then, either, so I guess I'm safe."