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Any good parenting boards out there?

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  • Any good parenting boards out there?

    I know there was a thread about the fidelity of our members but I can't find it. Can someone redirect me, or start a new one here? I'm looking for general parenting boards that don't involve moms looking for lesbian encounters. Good grief!!!

  • #2
    Not to say we don't have an awesome parenting forum right here, but I was looking mostly for my sister. She needs help.


    • #3
      I'm an avid Livejournaler, and can recommend several communities on that site. is a treasure trove of crunchy parenting advice if you are willing to face the regular criticism of how you're just not crunchy enough.

      I've even got some seriously out-there sites that I like to read even though I don't plan to follow their parenting philosophies. Chances are that your sister wouldn't be interested though.


      • #4
        Re: Any good parenting boards out there?

        Originally posted by Entropy
        I'm looking for general parenting boards that don't involve moms looking for lesbian encounters. Good grief!!!

        Whoa! What board are you referring to? Not that I'm looking for a lesbian encounter, but purely for entertainment value.


        • #5
          Grasshopper - I don't remember off hand what the names of the boards were, but I've come across a number of them. As a newbie I started wondering if internet boards were just a big porn factory. I gave up for a while but then decided to try to find a medical community. Enter iMSN and things started looking up.

          As far as, they may be too vicious for my sister; they would eat her alive.

          I'll try your recommendation, Spotty dog. I've never heard of that one.

          Crispin's Crispian - "Sometimes you need to wear your organic hemp bulletproof vest though." - you crack me up.


          • #6

            This site has all sorts of sub groups...really nice... I'm sure you can find a few groups that suit her needs.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Entropy
              I'll try your recommendation, Spotty dog. I've never heard of that one.
              Heh, well in that case I'd better give you more direction than I did! Livejournal is a site for people who keep online journals. Those people can join communities based on their interests. is a good general-purpose community. There's a good distribution of parenting styles and types of families, and people are usually prepared to back up their advice credibly. Your sister would have to get a (free) journal account to participate.

              EDIT: But, pinkpickles' suggestion is the second time I've heard a recommendation for that site in as many days, it sounds like a good one.


              • #8
                Thanks Alison for giving me more direction. I went there and quickly got overwhelmed. Not that it takes much to overwhelm me...


                • #9
                  I joined a parenting board ages and ages and ages ago at I still talk to these women today. There are about 50 of us who all have children born in January 1998. Well, we have one Dev 97 and one Feb 98, but you get the idea. It is fantastic. I have met many of them IRL.

                  We have since made our very own board.

                  Anyway, you can find the parentsplace boards, I think, at THough, it isn't easy. It is nice to find groups that have kids the same age as yours that are going through the same things. I do not have a board like this for my daughter. Also, I have heard parentsoup is okay.

                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, there are "month clubs" on and on Livejournal that are pretty fun. I participate on the Livejournal one, and I often think of Heidi's group that has held together so long, but unfortunately I always end up feeling like there's competition about development, which sucks. Maybe things will get better as our kids grow older, but I neither want to feel like I'm putting someone down for posting that my son is pulling up and cruising, nor do I want to feel put down because someone else had a child that was sitting unassisted at 4 months.

