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Packing/Luggage tips?

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  • Packing/Luggage tips?

    So, I will be in Germany for 8 weeks this summer.

    How many of the following would you pack? Keep in mind that I will have access to a washer (no dryer - that means, air drying my clothes) for the full 8 weeks. I can also buy toiletries while I'm there.

    night stuff
    dark, Puma-style shoes
    other shoes (please specify)- Vishenka....? Anyone.....Help?

    I am an idiot when it comes to packing. I want to go as lightly as possible. I will have a laptop, SLR camera and tripod, so I'm already weighed down in some respects.
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    Don't forget the jeans that are 3 sizes too small!


    • #3
      Originally posted by cupcake
      Don't forget the jeans that are 3 sizes too small!

      Nellie, don't worry. I won't disappoint.
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        underwear - 14
        night stuff - 2
        bras - 3 (nude, black, strapless)
        socks - 10
        shirts - 5 tank tops, 10 t-shirts, a few long sleeves, a light sweater or two
        jackets - 1
        slacks - 2 jeans, 2 non-jeans
        shorts - 1
        sandals - 1, 2 at most
        dark, Puma-style shoes - 1, 2 at most
        other shoes (please specify)- Vishenka....? Anyone.....Help? - 1 pair of dress up shoes just in case (nothing too dressy, but not too casual)

        This way you'll only need to do some washing about every two weeks. If you get lazy you can always buy a t-shirt or some underwear.


        • #5
          Thank you, thank you, thank you!

          10 t-shirts/shirts though? Wow. I guess so, though. I don't want to have to wash too much, but at some point, I have to haul this stuff on a train. Germans aren't very friendly when it comes to helping people board trains with their luggage.

          I wish I could do a Rick Steves and fit everything into a little backpack and wash my unmentionables in a sink.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            I'm the polar opposite to Vishenka's packing-

            underwear: no more than five- microfiber so they dry quickly.
            bras- two- one white, one black- microfiber if possible.
            jeans: two- one dark that can be dressed up
            one sweater set
            one blouse that doesn't need to be ironed
            one pr. pumas, one pr. running shoe, one pr. black wedge shoe
            one lightweight skirt that can be dressed up with sweater/blouse

            Little to no jewelry.



            • #7
              t-shirts/tanks don't take much space. After you pack everything, you might be able to squeeze another two in just in case.


              • #8
                One blouse for two months, Jenn?
                I think it's going to be a hot summer, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to sweat through my clothes - especially tops. I'm not going to see anyone, except for librarians in the archives, so there's really no need to dress up, except for maybe one time the entire trip.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  Well, my thought is you wear the blouse to those dressy occasions and yes, a few t-shirts and tanks would be fine. You can always throw a blouse on top of a tank, too.

                  I am a very streamlined traveller though because my experiences in European hotels is that you don't get a whole lot of room anyway.



                  • #10
                    I'm a huge overpacker even when I try to minimize and cut corners. May be you should pick somewhere between my and Jenn's lists.


                    • #11
                      When I travel I take my old underwear and throw it away!!!!!!
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        I guess it comes down to how frequently you're going to want to do laundry. I hate doing laundry, so I would lean towards the longer list. If you want to pair down on the bras, go for the nude colored bra and the strapless. Even better, a nude colored convertible bra.
                        Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                        • #13
                          Luanne - I do that too. I graduate all my old undies. Dh won't let me throw them away if we're at his parents house, so I have to pack them in a little baggy, put them in my purse and throw them away while we're out.

                          Yeah, somewhere between the two lists.
                          We have a tiny tiny apartment, so I'm used to a small amount of space to begin with.

                          Thank you, guys!
                          married to an anesthesia attending


                          • #14
                            I am a terrible over packer and remember loving these when I studied abroad (and still use them for traveling now):

                   ... ODID=67055

                            these are way better if you'll have access to a vacuum...

                   ... ODID=59841

