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Ok, ok, I need to breathe here!!! LOL!!

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  • Ok, ok, I need to breathe here!!! LOL!!

    I am getting so excited about our transitioning this year. My dh is job-hunting and it's advernturous, but I just don't know what the heck we are doing... it's a little overwhelming for me. I feel my panic attacks coming on... but am working hard to breathe and not get overly excited... It's reminds of Match Day kind of.

    Well, anyway, it's interesting what jobs are available in our home state of WV. We are trying to weigh-in on what we would be happy with... Decisions, decisions...

    Thanks for letting me express myself this evening. I really didn't know who to share this with. I hope you don't mind me coming here & sharing...


  • #2
    Oh, I am soooo excited for you, Christy!!! What a wonderful time in your life (albeit a bit scary)!



    • #3

      I'm making my husband insane (well, more than I normally do) for exactly the same reason. Where are we going, what do you want to do, are you going to apply for fellowship, are you going to apply for a military or civilian sponsored fellowship, if you don't where do you want to go, where should we put in to go, where do you think the Army is going to send us despite where we want to go- none of which he has any answers for- except the fellowship thing and he's completely undecided. (not like the applications have to be in by September or anything...)

      It's making me crazy. Part of the insanity is because I'm really getting antsy to leave my job. I hate it when you have learned all of the job tasks and changed everything that needs to be changed and now it's just the go to work and do it part. I like the excitement of coming in and fixing things and getting to leave again. (this place was a wreck when I started- just like they have pretty much all been where I have worked- I"m kind of the clean-up person). Plus, since we probably won't be staying in San Antonio, I have to figure out what to do about the house. I'm meeting with the realtor who sold us the house on Wednesday to see what she thinks we need to do to make it super marketable on the chance that we will leave in June. So... I feel your pain!



      • #4

        This must be like a dream come true! I hope that the search goes well. Has he narrowed down a list of things that he is looking for in a practice? Are there a lot of choices? How exciting!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Oh Christy,

          This is so exciting. I can just hardly believe that Bob is nearing the end of residency now...It seems like just yesterday that you guys were just finishing med school!!! ENJOY this time...seriously...don't panic! This is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, and there are so many exciting changes that will be taking place....I can't wait to hear where you end up!

          "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
          Douglas Adams
          Today's Vocabulary Quiz
          Linked Scripts are not allowed


          • #6
            Awwww... thank you so much for your comments!!! I certainly appreciate all of them. Thank you Kristen, Jennifer, Jenn, Kelly!!!! You all are wonderful!!! I'll try to answer each of your posts the best I can.

            Your Friend,



            • #7

              Well, I know that we'll end up in West Virginia because that is where our loan repayment is, so we'll be right there, but I'm not sure where. The job opportunities from WV are very interesting. We are trying to weigh it all out. We hope to know by January. Is that too soon to know? I have no clue.


              • #8
                Hey Jennifer!!

                How are you? How was your trip to Boston? I hope you like it there and are settled in more so now. I bet you are making lots of friends at your ward and are enjoying the Boston lifestyle, yes? Well, catch me up on your life sometime.

                Thank you for the cheerful words!


                • #9
                  Jenn, you will do great!!!!! You are soooo much stronger than I am. I would just melt if I had to sell a house too!! I'm thankful that we don't have to do that yet. It's just the unknown that gets me all panicky. I like adventure, but as I get older, I find myself wanting more of a plan than spontanaity (sp?). Anyway, I'm hoping that once the interviewing starts that I will be better able to cope... Well, let's hope so anyway. haha!! I'll be thinking of you too!! These are such big decisions...



                  • #10
                    Hey there Kelly!!

                    All your questions are great ones. We will be returning to WV due to repayment plan on Bob's deferred school loans. There are so many interesting tidbits of information. Bob's looking at the call ratio, location, solo or group, and basically what's good for the family. He knows that if I'm not happy than he probably won't be either... LOL!! You all know how that goes... WV is in need of family physicians, so there is a lot of need there, and I am fairly certain that he'll be able to find a decent job with decent pay because of the need. His CV looks nice and he is very community-oriented, so I feel that he'll fit in nicely where ever he decides to go. There are only a few places in WV where he cannot practice due to not being as needy to low-income/socio-economic areas. I just want to be close to a Wal*Mart, for one thing!!!

                    I'll keep you posted as we go through this venture together. I'm going to try to keep a journal of this time of our lives. We gone through a lot to get here and I don't want to forget any of it!

                    Thanks again for asking about us!



                    • #11
                      Christy...I think we knew right after the holidays too? I can't even remember now Wow, time flies! Does the repayment program have a listing of jobs that qualify?



                      • #12
                        It's funny you should ask that because Bob just looked that up and the answer is 'yes', they do have certain places that qualify. He'll get $45,000/year for the first two years for repayment and I forget what he told me after that... He's making some phone calls today. Now he's thinking about starting his own practice... and quite frankly, I'm about to keel over... at the thought of it!!!!!!!!! LOL!!



                        • #13
                          Starting his own practice? Wow...that would take a lot of work!! The great thing is that you will be closer to your families......I'm sure your boys will absolutely love that...and maybe you and Bob will be able to take more frequent vacations together!!!


