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Father's Day

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  • Father's Day

    Is it just me or is Father's Day a lot more depressing than Mother's Day. Last Year I think the weekend before Father's Day Oprah had special on a father who molested his daughters. And this year on Espn there talking about how this baseball player should burry the hatchet with his dad and try to get along. At church the message started out with a skit on how dad's can be domineering and a joke. I guess great dads are few an far between ? :huh:

  • #2
    I think the dads do get portrayed in a poor light. My own father always comments on how dads are always portrayed as dumb or goofy or childish in commercials and on TV sitcoms. Like the best buy commercial where the wife makes her husband promise not to run around the store and you later see him running around the store like a little kid in a toy store. I think there was a similar home depot commercial as well. Since he made the comment, I have noticed it as well.

    My own dad was great and my husband is an awesome dad!

    Its sad that your church started off that way. You'd think a church at least would have some respect for such an imortant role in the family.
    Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

