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 How do you relax?

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  •  How do you relax?

    I love going to Barnes and Nobles in the evening...I order a Chai tea and browse through all of the books...I sometimes even sit down and read one all the way through (if I'm really stressed out ).


  • #2
    I like to read, with the TV on and fall asleep!!!!!!
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      I'm with you, Kris! A trip to Barnes and Noble is a huge deal to me! I love to browse and see what has come in!


      • #4
        This sounds pretty lame, but I clean the house to relax. I get really tense when the house is a wreck, and it is almost therapeutic to put everything back where it goes. Back in the old days, I would go running to keep my sanity, and I'd love to get back into that, however my husband works such crazy hours these days he's not here to watch the girls and I can't justify the expense right now to hire help. I also like to read at the end of the day--even if I'm really tired, I like to stay up to read a chapter or two.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Relax? I asked Rick and he says that I don't. I don't think I do either- except during yoga which is forced relaxation which is why I love it so much and am going to teach it to other spazoids such as myself.



          • #6
            to relax I:

            -workout (doing a peaceful workout concentrating on flexibility, stamina, and breathing is best)

            -read (anything)

            -go shopping



            • #7
              I love to get my kids in their own beds and asleep so that I can climb into bed and read a book. No TV whatsoever ... just peace and quiet.

              The hot tub helps me relax once in awhile .... if the kids are asleep. It isn't very relaxing when they are in the hot tub with me!!!

              You may laugh but grocery shopping by myself helps me relax!



              • #8
                How do I relax.....

                reading, visiting with friends, shopping....but it has to be by myself! I yearn for alone time these days.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  You know, it's weird but I have to agree with Sally and Robin - I relax best when I am completely alone and know there will be no interruptions in my activity (or lack thereof ).



                  • #10
                    For whatever reason, the clutter has to be removed before I truly relax so the first step is removing the toys and shoes off the floor.

                    But then I like to run, cuddle, talk on the phone, or read. Pretty basic --but it works for me.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      It is hard to relax with clutter around isn't it! I guess I'll just have to leave the house. To relax- I like to run, workout, and nap (whenever possible). Recently, I spent a couple days at a friend's cottage overlooking a lake- very relaxing!



                      • #12
                        Oh, I have to have chocolate at some point during the relaxation as well. That chocolate is VERY important when I am relaxing....



                        • #13
                          How i relax??

                          1. Work out when i am alone is better.

                          2. Cleaning the little house.

                          3. Going to the grocery stores and

                          4. Checking decorating magazines .

                          I really missed my husband but i feel most stressfull when he is home because he doesn't know where are the simple things like towels , etc and i can't do my things because i am interrumpt because : Babe where is the sugar?? and and and.............the only thing that he knows where is it , is his pijamas and the bed!!!!!!



                          • #14
                            The thing that I find most relaxing is going on a long, long run.

                            It is impossible to remain angry or stressed out while pounding the pavement, and the runner's high cures all. Another thing that makes me feel better is baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies and then eating 1/2 a dozen of them when they are still warm and gooey!



                            • #15
                              Ummmmm....Sue....could you come and relax at my house?


