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Doesn't this seem wierd?

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  • Doesn't this seem wierd?

    OK, I don't want to sound like I am critical of surgeons, but don't go to a surgeon unless you want an end result to be surgery. I am not at all surprised that that specialized surgeon thought nothing of opening up someone to "explore" when what you are worried about is an unidentified pain in a certain area.

    Definitely switch doctors - and I'd suggest you see someone other than a surgeon until you have a fairly good idea that your painful probelm involves a joint or bone that needs to be surgically repaired. I guess what I'm saying is perhaps you saw the wrong type of doctor - and the orthopaedic surgeon was simply doing what his specialty is trained to do.


  • #2

    I've had some similar issues with pediatricians...isn't it terrible that you have to fight like this for healthcare? I have often wondered what the system is like from the perspective of non-medical families. I know that we are often granted appointments earlier, etc...imagine if you didn't have a husband with this medical training and didn't know that perhaps there were other tests that they could do.

    I agree that you should seek a second opinion. This guys sounds like a real idiot. Will your insurance pay for a second look?



    • #3
      I have been having hip pain for the past few months, so I went to see an Orthopedic (sp?) Dr. when it first started. He told me I either had a torn ligament or maybe had early signs of Osteoporosis (I'm only 28!). So, I scheduled an MRI and it was negative--no torn ligament. His office never even called me (I knew the results because my husband called the MRI department and had a resident read the results to him). I waited for my Dr. to call me to see what the next plan of action was and he never did. I finally called, left a message, and they called me back, leaving me a message saying that the MRI was negative. OK, that I know, but now what? So I called again, and they never called me back. So I called again and expressed my EXTREME displeasure with them and asked for them to let me know what the Dr. wants to do next. 3 days later, they call me today and leave me a message saying they want to do exploratory arthroscopic surgery. I haven't had an X-Ray or any other tests and they are jumping right to surgery? I think that is so strange that initially my problem isn't serious enough to even call me back and now they want to do surgery??? I'm a little annoyed because I have huge medical bills from having a baby in the hospital over 2 weeks in the last year and from having my gall bladder removed, among other various medical problems we've had in the past year. The last thing I want to do is pay for surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. I'm curious to find out what my husband has to say about all of this. I'm hoping he has an orthopedic friend who can give us his take on the whole thing. Thanks for letting me ramble!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4

        My only advice is to change doctors and pronto! Anyone who recommends surgery without meeting with you, etc sounds pretty bad. Even if you really do need surgery- it should be a part of a plan- and the last resort!

        Just my .02 but really- see someone else.



        • #5
          My husband wanted to be a surgeon at one point and the surgeon he worked with on rotations said, "a good surgeon is one who knows when to operate and when not to." Operation is always last resort. I would definitely get a second opinion.


