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Missed everyone

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  • Missed everyone

    I just finished catching up on unread posts from this past week. We've just returned from a week at my in-laws in Tennessee. We swam, boated, drove wave-runners, played tennis, slept in and ate like pigs. Meanwhile, my in-laws got their baby fix watching Avery. It was so nice to spend quality time together. This was our first vacation in over a year and longest time away from home with our daughter. She turned 11 months on Saturday, I just can't believe it.

    I missed the boards! Eventhough I haven't met any of you in person, your presence in my life means a lot! Thank you! I hope all of you had good weeks and your children (and you) have enjoyed returning to school.


  • #2
    11 months, Jennifer? WOW! Is she starting to walk yet?

    Tennessee is such a beautiful state...were you near Nashville? That is great that you were able to have quality couple time! It definately speaks for having an annual vacation just as a couple, doesn' t's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day life and forget what it's like to connect as a couple!

    I have been meaning to ask you....were you able to find part-time work at the University?



    • #3
      Welcome back!

      Isn't it wierd how much everyone here becomes part of our lives?

      Glad you guys enjoyed your time off.



      • #4

        Welcome back, although I'm sorry that it means the end of a much needed vacation. My parents have a cabin on a lake in East Tennessee too and we absolutely love going down there to play too! I hope that we could get a little lake front place someday.

        By the way, it really does seem like you just told us Avery's birth story yesterday. I can't believe that she'll be a year old!

        Do you have a one year party in mind or are you going to keep it low key?

        Anyway, welcome back.


        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Welcome home, Jennifer! We missed you, too! I have read and re-read your little vacation story three times thinking hmmm, wouldn't that be nice!! Sleeping in and eating like pigs sounds good to me! I'm so happy that you and your family are refreshed! These vacations really save you, don't they? I can tell that our time is coming up because the stress is building - and then voila, the vacation will arrive and all will be good until the next one!

          I, too, can't believe that little Avery is almost one year old! Wow! We have really "watched" this little girl grow up! Do you have any photos?


          • #6
            Welcome back,

            The vacation sounds wonderful. Do you have plans for the first birthday? Congratulations, I can't believe she will be one already.

            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Thanks for the warm welcome. We were actually in East Tennessee near Bristol where my in-laws live. Kelly, where is your parents cabin?

              As far as Avery's 1st birthday, we are just amazed at how she has grown and changed. She is very verbal and likes to echo what you say. We are planning a couple parties for her. We have to go where family is since we have none here. We know she won't remember it so, it is probably more a party for us to realize we made it through our first year of parenting. Of course we have to get pictures of her smearing cake everywhere. She is already practicing since she prefers feeding herself to being fed.




              • #8
                Hey Jennifer!!!

                I was wondering where you've been!!! I've missed you too!!! I hope everything is going well with your family. It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Tennessee!!! That is sooo awesome!!



