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iMSN marathon runners! Advice, please!

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  • iMSN marathon runners! Advice, please!

    I caught the running bug and need some advice. I know we have some runners here - I just can't remember exactly who...

    So here goes: :exercise:

    Is it crazy to try to do a half marathon (13ish miles?!) as a first timer? I am following a training program designed to prepare beginners to run a 5K (I think that's about 2+miles ?!) in 6 weeks. A half-marathon is coming up in about 3 months. I'm dedicated, in relatively okay shape, but naive/new to this running thing. I seriously don't know what to expect, is this marathon doable? Should I be using a different training program? :huh:

    Anyone want to start this endeavour with me?!

  • #2
    Cheering you on from the sidelines. My knees and I are still in dialogue about running again.

    Sounds ambitious but if you can find a beginner training program that slowly adds distance and gets you there -- why not?


    • #3
      You can totally do a half marathon as a first timer. They are a lot of fun and most races will provide training schedules you can follow. I did it a couple of years ago and it was a blast.

      Good luck.



      • #4
        Yep, you can definitely do it with three months to prepare but build your mileage slowly at first, get good shoes, follow a plan and stay off of concrete surfaces as much as possible.


        • #5
          Heck, I have met several people who have attempted marathons with little more than a ten mile run under their belt. It wasn't pretty, but it just shows how running is more of a mental endeavor than physical.

          A half in three months from a beginner base? Absolutely. I strongly advise that you bump up your distance SLOWLY and don't overtrain. Seriously. You need days off. Personally, I don't think running more than four days a week is healthy for the body.

          Do you have a friend to run it with? Check out the local running stores to see what they offer. Chatting someone up makes the time whiz by.

          Best of luck.

          I'll post my upcoming race goals here soon. I'm still working out the details.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Thanks for the encouragement! I've been working steadily for just 2 weeks now but my clothes already fit better & I feel great! Yea!

            I'm going 4 days a week: M,T, R, & Sat, to the gym (because they have childcare).

            Now I'm really excited. I can do this!


            • #7
              5k = 3.1 miles
              half marathon = 13.1 miles

              You can do anything, just take it slow.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Heck yeah, you can do it!!! My 62 y.o. out of shape dad, trained for and ran a half marathon 3 years ago, and now he is addicted!

                  I just ran a full last month with someone who ran just THREE training runs, and somehow finished before me- GRRRRR!! So, that can be done, too, although I wouldn't suggest it.

                  Which one are you running? If you ever want someone to do a longish (half or full marathon) with, just PM me. I like to travel to races - next one- Berlin on Sept. 30th - woo hoo!

                  Good Luck and keep us posted. I think you will love it!


                  • #10
                    Hey good luck. I would love to have the time to train for a half. Right now I am training for a 5k and I have losted 15 lbs. It is such a great way to get in shape. Check out They have tons of information and training guides. I think the most important thing to do is to get the best running shoes you can afford by going to a RUNNING ShOP, not your local sports store. Because at a running shop they can analyze your feet and get your the proper running shoe. This will make sure that you will have longevity in the sport and will reduce injuries. Good Luck and God Bless.


                    • #11
                      You can absolutely do it!! Go for it!! The farthest I had ever run (in my life) when I did my first 13.2 mi, was somewhere between 7-8 miles. It was fine. I was talked into it and a bit freaked out at the start.

                      TMI part:
                      I wasn't prepared for the, um, rubbing in places. Bring vaseline if you don't know how your shoes/bra/running shorts will hold up.

                      I'm sorry I can't join you.


                      • #12
                        How about going from fairly fit non-runner (I seem to have some of my cycling endurance still, and can manage a 5 hour rigorous hike) to full marathon in 6 months?

                        DH wants to do a marathon together in January. Maybe even stroller the boy (but probably find a sitter).


                        • #13
                          Great website, DrWahoo, thanks.

                          And I'll definately take you up on that marathon, Grasshopper. How many countries have you covered?! That's amazing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by uvagradk
                            stay off of concrete surfaces as much as possible.
                            Kevin, can you expand on that? I'd like to get running again, and would love to do it without stress fractures and without destroying my knees.
                            We have woods with hiking paths in our backyard - is that preferable?
                            or are you talking about running on a track? Isn't that excrutiatingly boring?
                            Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                            Let's go Mets!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by spotty_dog
                              How about going from fairly fit non-runner (I seem to have some of my cycling endurance still, and can manage a 5 hour rigorous hike) to full marathon in 6 months?

                              DH wants to do a marathon together in January. Maybe even stroller the boy (but probably find a sitter).
                              I trained for my first full after an injury that kept me from doing any sort of physical activity for almost a year. I did it in 6 months. I would say to make your goal just to finish for the first. Time goals can come later, but I think you just need to soak in the moment for the first. So, yeah, just take it slow, and I think you will be able to do it.

