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Plans for Sept 11th?

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  • Plans for Sept 11th?

    Is anyone doing something special this year on 9-11? I have noticed that there will be a lot of tv specials...but I am having trouble even watching the interviews with survivors that have been coming out on the various news channels....It just makes me too sad.....


  • #2
    I have decided that sitting at home vegetating in front of the TV is probably the least effective and least meaningful way to deal with the entire thing. I'm going to just do my normal thing- go to work, go to yoga class (where we'll probably do a special meditation- which we also did last year) and then I'm going to take a long walk with the dog and just appreciate my life and the special people in my life. I am going to give blood-partially because of 9/11 but mostly because there's a serious shortage here in South Texas. I don't think I'll do it that day, though.



    • #3
      I think that I will be doing something similar, Jenn. I just read one of the widower survivor stories on and it just made me cry. I don't need to cry for several hours. I read an interview with Laura Bush yesterday and she was recommending that children stay away from the television on September 11th. While I don't think that I am a child, obviously, I do think that I am highly sensitive and should avoid the television as well. I feel like I will be contributing more to the world that day if I continue to just simply try to make this world a better place . . . as cheesy as that sounds.


      • #4
        Well, I'm also going to just treat that day like any other day. I'm not going to watch a bunch of tv specials which really just amount to the media making money off of a bunch of evil people who killed a bunch of innocent people. I am really, really annoyed that any of these media outlets is even doing "specials" on the subject - the fact is we were all glued to the television for a few weeks after the attack last year and I'd say we're all pretty well informed as to what happened and the circumstances around the attack. It's just one more spectacle for the news outlets to exploit.

        Now, those who have loved ones that were lost in the attack have every right to reflect on that day, grieve, remember, etc. But, the rest of us really should go on with our lives and not let horrible people such as that forever disrupt our existance.

        Additionally, I think that we should definitely NOT create a "holiday" around the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. That would be similar to celebrating the attacks on Pearl Harbor in my opinion - basically memorializing those who wish to destroy democracy and our way of life. Instead I think a proper way to remember the victims is with a reverent memorial built on or near the two attacked sites.



        • #5
          I will be at work till 11pm in the emergency department of the level 1 trauma center i work at in new york city..... yikes! i could use everyone's positive energy my way!
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #6
            I'm going to be hiking in the Canadian Rockies with my sister from Boston, so I will take a moment to look up at the stars and reflect a bit on the complexities of our world.


            • #7
              I'm hardwired to be pretty emotional so I guess that I'll try to avoid the media. Perhaps I'll take a long, therapeutic run and pray for healing and peace. I'm sending out positive vibes to you all so that we all get through this emotional day with a sense of hope.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                I wish everyone a comforting and peaceful day tomorrow.

                I am not going to watch t.v. either. It breaks my heart still to hear the stories. I want to spend the day making an additional effort to help others as I go through my day. I am going to hang my flag and have the kids wear their patriotic shirts tomorrow just to show how much we appreciate this great country.

                I pray that the emergency room in NYC is a quiet one!!!



                • #9
                  Kris, I just watched a little TV in the morning. It became over-whelming for me, so I quit and went outside with Jonah, and later Wesley & Jonah. Then, Bob took us out to eat to Cracker Barrel which was nice to spend time with family...


                  Happy Fall y'all!!

