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Red Light - Green Light

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  • Red Light - Green Light


    I've noticed it much more here in Texas than I did in DC. Of course in DC, you can't go becuase of gridlock, so no one is running any redlights- they're all sitting in the same traffic jam!

    I can't wait to live somewhere that doesn't require a car.


  • #2
    I noticed it more in Arizona than I do here in Texas! What is that saying about Arizona drivers! LOL They started really cracking down on the red-light runners because it got so bad and signs went up all over the place warning drivers not to run red lights. The ticket prices jumped too.

    People seem to me to be much more impatient and in more of a hurry than in the past. In Oregon when I was growing up you could get a ticket for running a yellow light when you could have stopped! How times have changed.



    • #3

      Do you mean that when I gun the engine upon seeing a yellow light, this is offensive driving to you? The nerve, I say!

      I'm totally kidding with you. I only know you here in cyberspace, but you do not seem that controversial to me, just normal. Please don't overanalyze anything for more than it is worth.

      Besides, I wouldn't take any driving advice from me. My poor car has been hit 3 times in 3 years (all three times the insurance companies cited the other driver at fault). I guess that driving a small grey compact car makes me less visible. Because of this, I have all new paneling on my car.

      I rival only my aunt's penchant for collisions. She lives out in the country and has hit 5 deer over the years! ! She calls her car "The Deer Slayer". We joke that during hunting season hunters come to borrow her Toyota for good luck. Deer seem to get suicidal when they see her coming.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        That's too funny, Kelly! I've been known to do the same on a few occasions when my excellent time management skills didn't prove to be too excellent. My husband is notorious for interpreting a yellow light as a green light.

        Oh well. . .Glad to know that I'm not the only one noticing this phenomenon. Soon I'll be a little old lady in my rocking chair talking about the "music that these kids listen to nowadays!"

        Hopefully not, though. I try to keep at least one of my fingers on the pulse of youth culture so that I don't seem TOO old. I was sort of proud of myself today in class when one of my students presented an original piece of poetry. . .another student mentioned that he was going to follow in the steps of Lil' BowWow and I was like heeeey, I know who he is! Ha ha.


        • #5
          Well, I'll try my hand at a topic that I'm quite certain is not controversial. Have you noticed recently how it is almost impossible to "go" when the light turns green? There are always 2-3 cars whizzing through the yellow-red lights from the other direction. Is it just me or is this a relatively recent phenomenon? I remember people doing it infrequently when I was learning how to drive but it seems to have increased.


          • #6
            Claudia, I have noticed that more and more drivers do this over the years!! I notice it more in PA, than in WV though.


            Happy Fall y'all!!


            • #7
              Christy...what a neat graphic!

              Claudia.....I have noticed this trend too! It does seem like drivers have become more aggressive and less patient....or....maybe we are just getting old

              I, of course have never gunned my engine and flown through a yellow light or done a California stop or anything ...



              • #8
                My sister is a professional environmentalist. By this I mean she's been in many environmentally-related jobs, including being the CEO of a national envrionmental organization. Blah, blah, blah. All that precursor just to put the real story into a better context:

                My sister actually runs stops signs because she is "trying to save gas". She says that stopping and then starting up your engine wastes fuel. This makes me laugh so hard it hurts. The lengths she goes to!!!

